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Came Across An Interesting Sign


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I went out a few days ago with the plan to detect creek that had a 1800's mine in the drainage. Saw this when I got there



I admit that probably wouldn't have stopped me but I couldn't even crawl in the creek bed much less swing a coil.


So I decided to drive around to the top of the drainage and try and find the mine. Found it after hiking about half a mile and dropping down 800 feet. I felt good about that because I fail to find mines at least as often as I do find. The advent of Google earth has helped a ton. I really didn't know what to do with it after I found it though. I detected around where the tunnel used to be and dug bullet prices and junk, then dropped down to the dry creek and did the same before the long climb back out. 

We shoot way to much in Idaho. I find bullets everywhere I go.

That's my typical wandering around outing. Its not surprising I don't find gold. I mostly went there because there were no current claims anywhere close. Hard to end up on anyone's claim if there are none!



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Haha,  no, the area is several miles behind the area that used to be a training base during the world wars. I'm guessing they did training excercises with live artillery in the area 60+ years ago so they feel the need to post it. By that logic shouldn't pretty much all of Europe have a sign?

I'm of the opinion that if it didn't explode fresh and slamming into the ground it probably won't  from my gentle digging 60+ years later. If I get myself blown up someday I give you all permission to make fun of me without feeling bad.  I'd have it coming!

Edit to add- was just reading up on it, they actually stopped using it as a training base in 1919, so very old. But during/after the fires that burned the hills in 1997 they found live 75mm shells.

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There are some similar signs in the Arizona deserts near Quartzsite which warns you to stay on the road.


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The signs say unexploded ordnance, live ammo field or something like that.  I'll have to look it up.


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Still today in SouthWest Kentucky where Fort Knox is you can't go in without singing a paper that you can't hold the USA for anything that happens to you. They still have drills for Army. I have deer hunted there and there is some trees that look like they have been hit by a boom that makes tooth picks out of them. There is still live amo in the mud that can kill you. 

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Yeah, current unexploded ordnance I'd worry about enough not to be digging stuff up. 100 year old stuff, not so much.

Really I shouldn't be digging up artillery shells looking for gold anyway.  I'd like to think I could tell it was too big to be gold. This ain't Australia. 

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Yeah, that's just weird.

I tell people quite often that our modern history has occurred during a exceptionally stable 2000-3000 years. Normal for the planet is constant gradual change, with periodic big sudden change. Even if we suddenly got it together and stopped the whole global warming mess (we won't,  we'll just keep talking about it) people should really get used to the idea anyway. Earth is in constant change, always has been. It just happens slow enough we dont see it.

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