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My Thursday X-coil Iffy


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19 hours ago, Jonathan Porter said:

Clearly the GPZ benefits from a smaller coil, the NZ guys have proven that conclusively.🤠 The problem with going smaller is it opens up the detector to a lot more surface mineral ground variation, so the ground needs to be shallower and less variable to avoid too much noise getting into the audio. If the surface minerals are too extreme the only way to compensate for them is to lift the coil which even by a few mm kills depth on the tiny stuff, so you end up with a Nill net effect or worse possibly a negative effect dependant on conditions. This is why I have always advised caution in this sphere especially when you consider the work around associated with the risks mentioned in other threads. 


So far, even in mineralized ground, the 10" coil *does* get the missed smaller gold.   Lots of little bits.  But as I have mentioned, I have found one rare area that gives the coil grief.  Thankfully, that is the only area I have found so far (knock on wood)

Also, nice gold, JP.  Thank you for sharing.

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3 hours ago, Andyy said:

So far, even in mineralized ground, the 10" coil *does* get the missed smaller gold.   Lots of little bits.  But as I have mentioned, I have found one rare area that gives the coil grief.  Thankfully, that is the only area I have found so far (knock on wood)

Also, nice gold, JP.  Thank you for sharing.

I have the complete reverse here with only one area with low mineralisation where the small coil was OK.


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I used the 10X all last season partly because it was new and the wet season made a lot of grass so partly because of necessity.  But I found I could get it to run quite when I needed to when patch hunting but also could make it as noisy as and produce gold just about every where I poked the thing.  It sure does not like General/Difficult but HY/Difficult no dramas.  But towards the end of the season running that thing in manual ground balance and controlling the coil in normal was getting gold I believe no other machine or coil combo would even come close to touching even the GPZ14.


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DP posters might not know that some of the adversaries in this thread have a history of disagreement that spans decades. It doesn't seem as though anyone is interested in ending it soon. 

It's funny that someone can't simply put down what they are finding during their detecting without triggering the levels of animosity that seem to emerge.  But in the end there are usually interesting bits of information that emerge for people who can pick through the ego-trips and the opinions masking as knowledge.

In the end maybe we are just a large slightly dysfunctional family which is fine as long as it stays in-bounds and for that - we have Steve. :biggrin:

Edit: the post I was referring to has mysteriously disappeared - my comments stand.

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On 2/28/2020 at 4:43 PM, Mc30 said:

I can’t stand reading your biased posts anymore jp, your the only one reporting these so called problems with x coils, I have the 17x12 elliptical on my gpz and its so much better than the minelab coils, all my gold has been found in hot ground that I have been over with the mine lab coils!! I have found this in my first 4 trips out with it 


Because of JP,s Minelab s connection,is why.Glad that others speak up when this sort of thing goes unaddressed.I will always be a supporter of this truthful insight.I would love to know more about these x coils,as for me the first coils that get sold out of my kit are Minelabs.Nugget finder all the way and Coiltek another proven beauty.Where can one buy these x coils in Perth WA?


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Thankyou .

CAn you shine anything on your thought s on most stable sensitive on about 9" Coil.

I would assume Nugget finder12x8 ,Coiltek 9 to be very similar .But uncertain as to X Coil.

Your Thoughts?and thankyou for the link.

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