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What Are All Those Noises?

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Ok, complete noob question here: When Im out there and listening for tones on my Equinox 800, why dont some sounds register a number? I hear all these little sounds and noises but when I go back over they sometimes disappear. Sometimes the noise changes or is very hard to find again. What can I do to help myself isolate these sounds and is every errant sound something to dig?

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5 hours ago, SidTheKid said:

Ok, complete noob question here: When Im out there and listening for tones on my Equinox 800, why dont some sounds register a number? I hear all these little sounds and noises but when I go back over they sometimes disappear. Sometimes the noise changes or is very hard to find again. What can I do to help myself isolate these sounds and is every errant sound something to dig?

Hey Sid,

First I'll point you to a similar question I asked several weeks ago, and got some great answers that really helped my progress with the Equinox 800.  It's this thread:

I struggled with this at first too.  The Equinox is a very "hot" detector. Hot meaning it's extremely sensitive, to both targets and ground conditions.  So first off make sure you perform the recommended noise cancellation and ground balancing procedures. Secondly I found it very helpful to turn the sensitivity down from the default of 20.  I was running it in the 14 to 16 range, sometimes going to 18 for the first few weeks with good results.  I'm a new detectorist and I'm sure some more experienced folks will chime in here.  But suffice to say the Nox can be a bit overwhelming at first, but totally worth the time it takes to learn.  I highly recommend getting Andy Sabisch's Equinox book.  It was a great help to me.

I have limited experience, but I hope this helps a bit.



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Great reply to Sid, Bash.  

Sid - a number of factors can result in an audio blip without numbers showing up including EMI, ground noise and anomalies (a patch of mineralized dirt), and micro targets or deep targets.  Regarding the latter, if you can't readily get a repeatable audio signal then just move on.  At this point, in learning your machine, just focus on digging the repeatable no brainer signals (trash and treasure) so you can train your brain on what good and trash targets sound like.   Read Bash's links regarding how to combat the noise sources (in short, do a noise cancel, reduce sensitivity from the default 20 setting  (these help with the "sparkiness" caused by electromagnetic noise sources - EMI), and if you find you are having to reduce sensitivity a lot (5 points or more) then consider changing modes or switch to a single frequency to see if you can make the noise go away, and properly ground balance to make ground noise that shows up as -8/-9 numbers go away).  If you are still having issues, then repost with specific information such as mode you are using and sensitivity setting, whether there are power lines or a lot buildings nearby that may have wifi or other sources of electronic noise.  Also, put your phone in airplane mode or place it in a pocket opposite from the detector's control panel (i.e., on the side your body opposite from where you swing the detector).  Good luck.

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That sounds like falsing on iron. Turning sensitivity down does help.  Turning up iron mask works but you loose separation.

So turn down sensitivity and if you have to, turn iron mask up a little. Also try blocking -9 thru -7 or higher which might help on ground noise. I haven't tried this yet so I don't know if it helps.

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In addition to the great advice above, I can only add that the NOX will receive and sound on lighting strikes. In fact, when it gets really chatty for no other apparent reason (mentioned above) it is time to leave as a storm is nearby. It hears the approaching strikes before you hear the thunder. YMMV or as Colonel Dan says "the view from my foxhole".


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On 5/28/2020 at 1:35 PM, SidTheKid said:

What can I do to help myself isolate these sounds and is every errant sound something to dig?



On 5/29/2020 at 8:56 AM, Chase Goldman said:

At this point, in learning your machine, just focus on digging the repeatable no brainer signals (trash and treasure) so you can train your brain on what good and trash targets sound like

What Chase said.  Lay out some coins and other targets on the ground and get those clean hit sounds of good targets in your brain.  For the time being concentrate on digging just those target responses. 

Something that is seldom brought up and I feel is important especially to someone new to metal detecting is headphone volume.  Ears being highly sensitive organs  need protecting.  There is a right and wrong way to set the volume and this is based on how our ears react to changes in volume level.  Changing from a loud to a softer level tricks the brain into thinking you are good to go but actually results in setting a too high level.   Do the opposite, start low and slowly increase it until it is comfortable for long term use.   

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Tom that tip with the headphones really helps with a noisy detector. You don't notice the noise so much with the volume down but the targets come in clear.

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Looks like SidTheKid isn't going to respond to any of the good advise offered above.

My first thoughts are that he is running with too high a "Sensitivity" setting resulting in falsing.

I suggest do a "Noise Cancel"  drop the "Sensitivity" a bit at a time and "Ground Balance" then another "Noise Cancel".

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