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Unbelievable Day!!!!

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Nice work, I would be celebrating also if I ever pulled off a day like that. Congrats

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Fantastic hunt and with all the silvers I know that you are one happy person.

One of these days I will come across something like that.

Good luck and happy hunting.

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Congrats on your best silver day ever! ?? 

Your hunt brings back quite a few great memories for me...I’ve hunted parks in my locale for years that produced silver days from the low teens to the mid twenties...even one park nearly 150 miles from me that produced a 31 silver day (my PB).  All of these parks were just regular, old parks from the ‘20’s-40’s era, without any ground movement.  Those days around me are long gone, unfortunately.  I wish I could go on extended road trips like you do, but that’s not possible for me at the moment...maybe someday! Anyway, I’m rambling......Congrats again on your memorable hunt!


Dan - Raphis



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Small town ball parks have paid off well for me, looks like you're onto something ?

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Nice hunt. Great finding a spot like that. Great photos too. You could turn your statement into a metal detecting old rock & roll song like Hot Rod Lincoln. Which detector did you use?

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I'm salvating with envy.  Kinda funny that the 'homework' you did wasn't what led you to this one.  Nothing wrong with stumbling onto a spot and you had the smarts to realize it was worth a check.  Jackpot!!  10 straight hours of detecting -- hope you had plenty of water.  Texas must still be hot in mid-September.

What is that crusty thing next to the silver GW quarter?

IMO, you found a spot that has never been hunted.  (Historic Aerials likely will tell you more.)  I suspect the other baseball infield has been landscaped/backfilled and agree with your hypothesis that they just hadn't done that where you found the silver mine.  Are there still parts of that site you haven't surveyed?

Consistent with Raphis's post, I think you experienced time travel -- back to the 1970's and 80's when lots of school yards and muni parks were just laden with silver coins for the pickin'.  I hope I find one of those someday.

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