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Prospecting Magazines , Do You ?

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Hey all, 

Been chatting with a few mates and some of us still buy our beloved prospecting magazines, 15 years ago we all bought them as they were the bibles of gold information. 

Just wondering how many still buy them and how many are still available ? The internet has definitely changed the way we research.

Here in Australia there's still a great one called "Gold gem and treasure" full of great stuff, there's probably others never really looked ,

I take it detector prospector is a real magazine ?

What is the go to magazines in America ? And other countries? 

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I subscribe to the ICMJ  Prospecting and Mining Journal,  pretty much the only mining magazine I get anymore. A monthly publication, been around for nearly 100 years. Articles are excellent and informative.  Subscription offered on line  and in print with archives access that seem to go back forever. 

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2 hours ago, Muppet said:

I take it detector prospector is a real magazine ?

Nope.  What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) -- all here (but don't ignore the dropdown menus).

As someone who has always enjoyed hardcopy publications (books, magazines, newspapers) I've been lamenting 'progress' for the last 20 or so years.  I don't know if there are any coin/relic/beach detecting hardcopy mags left that are printed in the USA.  There might be one....  (England has one or two, I think.)  But you asked specifically about prospecting; most of those only rarely touched that subject, and at an elementary level.

Hard Prospector mentioned the ICMJ.  The Gold Prospectors Association of America has a bi-monthly hardcopy mag (titled Gold Prospecting) which comes with membership but also can be purchased separately.  However, it's at a very basic level and most of the pages are reporting on club activities, etc.  Kevin Hoagland writes (well) on prospecting/fossicking with at least something every month, usually a couple articles.  But, again, for someone who has been doing serious effort in that area for a while, most of what he writes is going to be review.

Unfortunately for many of us older than half a century, we're going to have to get used to online publications or just sit around reminiscing the Good Old Days.

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   I've got mine and am posting a picture. Just do the exact opposite of what they tell you and you will do well.


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The real gems of knowledge for me haven't been online mostly, but has been in discovering old papers, notes, maps, and publications that aren't available online and that few to no one else has read today.

I have a lot of fun searching for and tracking down these sorts of little known to unpublished papers, same as I like searching for gold. It's prospecting for knowledge in a way, when I can't be out in the field.

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Yes, I have a subscription to GG&T now for 2 years. Has been a great source of information and have read some great stories in there, especially around my areas of interest. If there are any other Australian magazines anyone could suggest would be great.

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I was given a bunch of prospecting magazines from a friend JW, I've gradually been reading through them, some good information in them, I like looking at the old ads for different detectors ?  One even has JP's mug on the front cover. 


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