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Thanksgiving Contest From Gerry's Detectors

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Thankful for the lesson this 2.8 gm taught me near Quartzsite earlier this month. Just because it's really loud and moves in first your boot scrapes, not good to just walk away.

Happy Thanksgiving yo all.



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On 11/24/2022 at 5:43 PM, mn90403 said:

What about that ring?

We use to have a One Ounce Club…you had to have found a 1-Ouncer within our group.  One of our members was gold smith and made us a ring with the gold we found to suit our fancy(s).  There where many made but this one is mine and use as my Wedding Ring!


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Ridge Runner (Chuck) thanks for sharing a nugget of pic.  I realize the old days and pics were nothing like we have today.  My most memorable times are on 8MM reel when I was a sprout running around on weekends with family and detector in hand.  I have no issues with you pic as it brings back memories and that's exactly what this holiday is about, being thankful for so many things, including the early prospects and hard work for the color earned. You name is in the hat my friend.

Purplehays69 Now that nugget pic has so many twists and or stories to tell.  Oh my I would love to hear just half of the history it could speak.  I'll have to look up the mention.  Yes there's way more history across that Black Rock desert than many who travel through each day have no clue.  Did they happen to fit??.Your name is in the hat my friend.  

LuckyLundy, (Rick) I have to agree 100% and that's why I used the term "nugget" as there's so many ways to use it.  Friends and stories made on gold collecting journeys is most valuable to the soul.  The beautiful yellow stuff is just the icing on the cake.  Your name is in the hat my friend.  

HotSauce I can see you have put some time on your coils and the adventures have a golden shine at the end of the road.  You've done well my friend.  I used to think I would remember all my nicer finds and I probably did for 15 to 25 yrs, but I think the sharp tack mind is starting to wear on me a little.  Now I have to use notes and cheat on occasion.  The hunt for the next big o gold is always on our minds. Thanks for sharing and your name is in the hat my friend. 

mn90403 (Mitchel), Gold finds like that can leave an everlasting highs/lows in the soul.  There's usually great joy and pride but for some reason a few sour grapes seem to surface as well.  I'll check out your story later on.  Hopefully those great times and memories with the ones around at the time will last forever.  Thanks for sharing and your name is in the hat my friend. 

geof_junk Silly me.... I have never seen a guys hand so small.?  Or could it be your stones are so big?  Well either way those memories will last forever my friend.  Thanks for sharing and your name is in the hat my friend. 

Glenn in CO My gosh Glenn, that golden dove is just amazing.  You are so lucky to have a nugget beside you on every trip and willing to take part.  I wish you 2 many more golden years to come.  Thanks for sharing and your name is in the hat my friend. 

Arky (Mike) Good to see you and your best find still out there swinging and learning.  Each site is different and something to learn all the time. That’s a fine chunky nugget there and most would think around the heavily pounded Quartzsite area, it should have been picked up already.  Maybe it was me who boot scraped it and walked, as I have done so many times before.  I especially do that in known trashy areas.  If site was new to me or if a lot of surface trash, then yes I probably walked and left one for those more determined.  Good to see you again last month and hopefully seeing you more down the road. Thanks for sharing and your name is in the hat my friend.

oneguy (Scott) that pic is certainly a golden pan full.  Many hours and memories to be thankful there.  A few really chunky ones as well.  Be sure to ask Santa for a new pair of gloves for X-Mas., as I’m sure you need them.  Thanks for sharing and your name is in the hat my friend.

Norvic Finding that virgin site is something most of us dream of and especially when you are finding golden slugs and fist size sunbakers. You certainly have many hunts and memories to be thankful.  I imagine there are a few of those such sites left, but they are certainly getting harder each year.  Thanks for sharing and your name is in the hat my friend.

deathray I love the shoe plate and to get a complete one if even more rare.  The display of Au and the plate is stunning.  To hand it over to the landowner is most advantageous in so many ways.  I do it quite a bit myself and it usually brings back the “come back any time” comment.  Well done and thanks for sharing.  Your name is in the hat my friend.






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