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Where To Get Minelab Detector Parts (mainly GPZ 7000 )

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Hi peeps,

I have a mate in China asking if I can get some particular parts for GPZ 7000 due to wearing down, such as bulkhead, control box etc. He has a bunch of these machines waiting to be replaced. lol

I have contact minelab and was told they don't sell parts to individual buyers.. Anyone know where to get them???


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Hi Ethan,

   The dealers and Distributors have their regions, say the US for example.  We are unable to ship outside the US per our contract of selling Minelab products.  This prevents for the most part, dealers selling into other regions and allowing those dealers in those regions to get the sales. 

This is probably the best for Minelab, but many smaller regions don't have any dealers to even purchase from, meaning you almost have to purchase overseas or from another region/country.  

I have sold small parts like you mentioned to customers in places where they couldn't locate parts per Minelab's approval.  

Worst case, contact Minelab direct and allow them to give your friend the nearest location to purchase from.  Hope this helps a bit.



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3 minutes ago, Rob Allison said:

Hi Ethan,

   The dealers and Distributors have their regions, say the US for example.  We are unable to ship outside the US per our contract of selling Minelab products.  This prevents for the most part, dealers selling into other regions and allowing those dealers in those regions to get the sales. 

This is probably the best for Minelab, but many smaller regions don't have any dealers to even purchase from, meaning you almost have to purchase overseas or from another region/country.  

I have sold small parts like you mentioned to customers in places where they couldn't locate parts per Minelab's approval.  

Worst case, contact Minelab direct and allow them to give your friend the nearest location to purchase from.  Hope this helps a bit.



Hi Rob,

Thanks for your reply. I can see your website and email below. I will send you an email later for what we need and see if you can provide those items. 



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Hi Ethan,

   I did a quick search on Minelab's website and found these dealers near you - 


If anyone is search a location for Minelab products, visit their website - www.minelab.com and then click the "Where to Buy" tab.  From there it will ask you your country and what product you're asking about.  From there it will search your location.  I placed in China and GPZ 7000 and found the info above in the link for you.



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8 minutes ago, Rob Allison said:


   我在 Minelab 的网站上进行了快速搜索,找到了您附近的这些经销商 - 

https://www.minelab.com/usa/where-to-buy?search=dealer&country=41&postcode=&name=& detector=252529

如果有人要搜索 Minelab 产品的位置,请访问他们的网站 - www.minelab.com,然后单击“购买地点”选项卡。从那里它会询问您所在的国家/地区以及您要询问的产品。从那里它将搜索您的位置。我放置在中国和 GPZ 7000 并在链接中为您找到了上面的信息。


Thank You. I will let him know too. 

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