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Finally - The QED Arrives?

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On 28/12/2016 at 2:58 AM, klunker said:

 I don't see anything earth shaking or revolutionary so it may boil down to a cost vs. value kind of thing. What really has my interest is the darned bird in the back ground audio.

Been following your forum for a while now not really into prospecting yet have had a few outings and enjoyed the experience. 

I joined to let you know it is a Yellow Orion in the background.  Don't mind travelling around Australia listening to our natural surroundings. 






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 Thanks Greggo.

 be very careful. At first it's just enjoying the back country. Then someone loans you a detector. then you find a tiny speck of gold Then your entire life is ruined. Few have ever fully recovered once the downhill spiral starts.

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Starting to look like a ML in the hand is worth at least 20 QEDs in the bush, correct me if I`m wrong but it`s sort of a feeling we`ve been here before.................

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Yeah I'm sort of regretting mentioning it now. :blush: Even if it does hit the shelves its sounding more & more like it won't reach the claims that were thrown about? Looks like they've even started talking it down now - was to be the GPX/GPZ slayer or at least up there with them in performance & now it only needs to be better than the TDI & ATX to represent value? That's probably true but at the same time they've made the claims to so if I purchase one it should be what they have said not watered down. Even the battery dilemma looks a bit backyardish & off-putting.

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It seems nobody has noticed that the QED is where the Pulse Devil was years ago, ie, supposedly for sale "soon" in a Whites distributor's shop here in Victoria Oz and any delays are being blamed on the battery, again the same as the PD.


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I don't know that it has gone unnoticed at all Robby just that few people here are very concerned about any of this. The QED shows up and proves it's worth or it does not.

This thing has been years in the making. In my opinion to announce the unit is ready for sale, and then reveal that something as basic as what type of battery will be used and where that battery will be located was not thought out, was a very amateurish move and reflects poorly on the credibility of the project. Dave made the same mistake over and over with the Pulse Devil. At least some fully ready working units should have been ready for immediate distribution to testers or purchasers before making the announcement.

I was ready to buy the control box only version and sent an email saying just that. I figured it was inexpensive enough a gamble for me to just give it a go and be able to report to forum members what I thought. Then I find out no units available, still trying to decide what battery to use and where it will be located... and now I just don't care. I will just forget about the whole thing until something firm develops and somebody else gets one and reports on it. And that in a nutshell is how they take a person like me that was trying to be fair and open minded and just shut me down.

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This is just one of many that did not come to be in 2016. I'm sure we will hear of more that will never see the light of day in 2017.

I'm still here waiting for the V 4 and the coils to go with my XP Deus. We have all this advance technology but we keep advancing to the rear.


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From 2012, Carl's 7 rules of PUD:


For those with the dream of being a one-man metal detector manufacturing company, post #129 suggests:

Here's a challenge for you... build a production run of 20 units. Just 20! See how long it takes you. See how much money it costs you. Keep very accurate records. Figure in labor, overhead, taxes, marketing, and eventual service. Then see how much you need to charge for those detectors to make it worth your while.

Those 20 units shoulda been ready to ship upon announcement.


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Not sure if its just me but the sound that detector makes is annoying. Didn't seem to be any difference in the audio levels when he picked up the target before digging, to when he was directly swinging over the gold. Usually you get a faint target response and as you dig deeper the response gets louder until it blanks out when directly over the target. I'm in no way an expert (only been detecting a year and a bit) but that's what I noticed when watching the video. 

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