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The new compact, super light PI from Ballarat, Australia. This machine uses any Minelab PI compatible mono coil and is dynamite on small as well as larger gold. It is almost totally unaffected by  EMI enabling it to be used near or practically beneath power lines. All hand built, on a limited production scale, this little beauty is creating great interest in Australia, where it can handle the highly mineralized soils.


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This is an old subject here Reg.



Just to let you know I am well versed on all the goings on surrounding the QED on other forums. I certainly welcome any first hand knowledge you may have to add to the situation as relates to the performance of the machine. I am totally disinterested in all the drama surrounding the detector however. It is just a metal detector. People here are interested in it first hand knowledge of how it performs, but that is all.

Please read this post also http://www.detectorprospector.com/forum/topic/3096-hi-everyone/?do=findComment&comment=34661

And with all that, welcome to the forum. Your finds are legendary! I am sure people here would enjoy some tales of early day detecting in Australia if you care to offer some.

QED Draft Owners Manual


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Rumor has it the QED lacks FCC approval for sales in the United States. If true, it vastly reduces the interest at this time in the machine for the U.S. members of the forum, although the Australian members may be interested. Does anyone have any information regarding that subject? Is such approval even being sought?

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Steve, I come here as a victim, not as a perpetrator. As one of the first testers for this machine, I was and still am uninterested in the childish politics involved. My only interest is that of a long term prospector, and one time tester for Minelab, in the advancement of metal detector technology, and in particular the ergonomics, as for me at my age a light and comfortable machine is more important than it used to be.

I have no financial interest what so ever in the QED, I just wish to see a good product get a fair evaluation without being persecuted by others with agendas. There are an increasing number of QED users in Australia who have found it to be most impressive, as have I,

               Thanks, Reg.

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Hi Reg,

Yes, and please do not take my commentary as a passing of judgement or a taking of sides. Frankly, from my perspective here the drama over the QED is much to do over nothing. We discuss new detectors here all the time. I also evaluate machines for companies and right now am playing around with the Nokta Impact. The QED is just another one of many new detectors and all the importance attached to it on the Oz forums is totally lacking here. It is, as I say, just a metal detector. People may as well get up in arms talking about the latest shovel. Most detectors serve a purpose for some people at some budget level. The goal is to sort it out.

That said I was not kidding when I said I know you have a long history prospecting and finding gold in Australia. Success finding gold is really all I care about, no matter who or where or with what. Any write up you want to present on the QED from personal perspective is welcome. I always strive to highlight what machines are good at and what they are not good at. I abhor detector wars and trying to prove this one is better than that one and all that nonsense. Let's just figure out what the QED may be useful for and who it may interest. The goal here is simply to help people get answers from people who may have those answers. Since you have used the QED I am sure some people may have questions that you can help them with.

And anyone that can help others is welcome here.

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Hi just wondering how many units have been sold in Australia.

I see a used one for sale on prospecting Australia website. I'm not sure but if someone frim USA or Canada purchased that one privately and being a second hand/used detector would that unit have to comply with FCC approval or would it only apply to commercially distributed production model imported into the states by a approved distributor.

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I surely am no expert but I would think FCC rules are about manufacturers selling new product into markets. I doubt anyone is running around checking used metal detectors. I know a lot of guys are buying all kinds of foreign made detectors and bringing them into the U.S. so I have my doubts even oddball new purchases made from overseas get checked. More like something that would be an issue to import and do sales directly via dealers in the U.S.

If anyone knows more on the subject though......

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That's what I was thinking that if anyone from the USA wanted one now then buying a second hand one from Australia may be the way to go at this stage.

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"Radio Frequency (RF) devices are required to be properly authorized under 47 CFR Part 2 prior to being marketed or imported into the United States. "

There is no FCC Compliance statement in the manual or on the detector which I believe is required once authorised as compliant for selling into the US. It passed the Australian version which is just as stringent, if not moreso, so it would most likely just be a matter of compliance testing, payment & authorisation?

Doug of AEGPF stated on a thread on that forum something along the lines of it would be a long time before overseas sales were explored. Used might be the short term option?

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