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More Gold Prospecting and Rokon Porn...

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Between cutting firewood, and gleaning the neighborhood citrus trees to give to the food bank, this is the first time I’ve had a chance to get out this month.


I decided Sunday would be a good day to prospect one of the many areas I have marked on my geology maps. This area caught my attention because of a nice fault line running through it, and also because of the various geological changes. It’s in a known gold district, but hasn’t seen very much activity (claim wise) over the years, so I figured maybe it’s time to give it a look see. There’s a producing gold mine about 1/2 mile NW of where my prospects are located. I’m thinking (hoping more like it) that maybe some of those veins from that mine (or possibly other unknown deposits) may have leached out in some of the areas I have marked to explore. 


Anyway... here’s some video I shot of my day out... hope you all enjoy. Make sure to watch it in HD for the full effect.  :whites:


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Glad you enjoyed it. The AZ desert would be perfect without all the plants and trees trying to poke and stick you. When riding in the middle of the desert here, you'd better have that perfect line planned well in advance, or else you might find yourself in the middle of a cholla patch. Worst cactus there is. They call them "jumping cactus"... you barely touch them and they're on you. Major pain in the butt to get off. Carrying needle nose pliers and tweezers when off-roading is a prerequisite. Elmer glue works great for the fine stuff that you can't get out with the tweezers.

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That was cool. My first prospecting trip into Arizona. Can you describe "the fault line" please? Is that the same as a "contact zone"?



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That was cool. My first prospecting trip into Arizona. Can you describe "the fault line" please? Is that the same as a "contact zone"?


This particular fault I was investigating and detecting around was a simple thrust fault with various strikes and dips that ran for 1/2 mile or so before intersecting on both ends with other faults. I just so happened to find some of the more visible portions and thought it might be worth looking into. I'll be investigating the intersections in the future.




I'm no geologist, but I would define "contact zones" as where one type of rock meets another type of rock, which BTW is also something I was investigating, as the area I was in contains old Proterozoic basement rock (schist, gneiss, and phyllite) metamorphosed with newer Miocene (basalt, andesite, and rhyolite) volcanic rock. Those separations, or contacts are evident in the video if you look closely. Basically I was just out testing some of my theories. Here's the geology of the particular area I was exploring. Where it says "30W, 60°" on the map is the general area I was detecting.



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Nice video, just what is that little bike your riding?


Ivan, that bike is called a Rokon. It's basically a modern day mule. It will carry just about anything you can throw on it. Will go just about anywhere you want to go, and the best of all... you don't have to feed or water it. Makes for the perfect prospecting vehicle.  :D

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