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Simply amazing . . .

What an incredible series of adventures you've had Steve, and I love the pictures you've added which only contribute to the richness of your stories.

There are a lot of little tips sprinkled throughout, ones that are worth noting for later recall.

I loved what you wrote, and you have a nice, relaxed writing style that is very comfortable to read.

My hat is off to you for the excellent job you've done while reliving your memories.

Thanks again, and all the best,


P.S. I'll have to come back later to add likes as I'm out of "likes" again for the day. (That just lets me know how much good suff there is on this site to like!)

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Great story Steve, the pictures really take you there.

Wish i'd have known about this spot when I was in Chisana back in '84, my neighbor lady in Anchorage hired me to work on the lodge and cabins there. Her husband  had died the year before packing the horses across the river. Nobody mentioned a gold mining area within walking distance! I had a strong suspicion when a guy walked into camp one day asking for an airlift out for an injured party member, and he paid in gold.


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Great story and incredible pictures, I am pumped to get outside now and find some gold. I was surprised you dont have any bear stories related to your adventures or are you saving them for later?

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I am glad you enjoyed the tale! Bears at Chisana are more a springtime tear up the cabins issue than anything. All those years up on the hill I can only recall seeing a bear at ground level once. Probably more than that but I have probably forgotten. In any case these are gold prospecting and metal detecting forums so there is no reason for me to get into bears unless they are pertinent to the story at hand. The only bear tales relating to Chisana and me are all about cleaning up cabins. Boring.

In later days my goal was to get some decent bear photos which can be a challenge. Here is a shot I took of a grizzly just somewhere north of Whitehorse....


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Thanks Steve, that's surprising but good to know. When I lived in Juneau I saw black bears just about every week when they were awake. Up here on the Peninsula I have yet to see any bears although I did have one huff at me one afternoon...


Did you wear your headphones with one ear out to listen for bears? I've been looking into different headphones that will allow me to somewhat hear what's going on around me.

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The presence or absence of bears never changed how I detected, always used dual cup headphones. I never saw many at Chisana but they are just a fact of life everywhere in Alaska, especially in Interior. We ran bears out of camp at Moore Creek now and then. Plenty of them running around in the Sierra Nevadas also. As far as I am aware no person using a metal detector has ever been attacked by a bear. Anyway, bears don’t worry me much personally. Photo op. Do whatever you feel you need to do to be comfortable with the situation.

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This tale of Gold is the best tale i have read in a very long time.

I read everything last night after coming back from metal detecting

Thanks for sharing




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