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Everything posted by kac

  1. Multi Kruzer with 5 x 9 1/2 dd, 3 tone mode, iSat 1, Gain 89, 14khz. Ground is incredibly noisy from all the coke below, coin was maybe 6" down just in the coke. Next time out I'll take the Tejon with 8x9 concentric so I can not get blasted with all the target spikes the coke does. Number on the MK would spike from foil to mid 90's. Ground is horrible. Ground phase was in the 30-mid 40's in many of the dumping grounds. Rich black dirt near the tree lines and on slopes where coke wasn't dumped the ground phase was in 60-70's. Usually higher when the ground is wet but its bone dry here. Last tiny detail I swung the coil from left to right then back..... not sure if it made any difference ?
  2. Haven't done any detecting in a while because of the heat. Finally got a break and hit an old park. Very noisy hunting because a few inches down is all coke and coal that they used to fill the park and tossed loam over it. Was able to pick this merc out of the mess. Will use another machine next time over and see if I can find others. Of course I'll shamelessly show off my digger ? Been using that pretty much exclusively because grounds are so dry here.
  3. I returned a class ring before. You can look up the classmates of that year and school and find out whos it was by the initials inside. Class rings are 10k, scrap value less than $600 but worth way more to the person that lost it if they are still alive. Good way of building karma :)
  4. Sounds like the concentric will do really well for ya.
  5. Sounds like someone been cherry picking the high tones for a long time, probably one of those Tesoro users :0 ?
  6. Cool ring. Nice to see how that was originally crafted in wax, might be a one of a kind. Great find.
  7. So far none of the SMF's have a concentric coil option, That is where the old Tesoros still prove their usefulness around iron infestation. Granted targets that are not directly under iron can be sniffed out with small dd coils and fast recovery speeds but often a daunting task listenting to stuff that you just don't need to.
  8. Thanks for sharing, lucky you made the trip, most of us never have that opportunity. So next year your only using the Vaquero right?
  9. Was some drama a while ago but Steve cleaned all that up. Welcome to the no drama club, HH
  10. I did have a request for some variations on the probe, one for straight blade which I will make a few in next batch. I never wanted to carry a screwdriver around, never know what people will think or say so wanted somethign low profile, durable and half descent looking. The bend I put in was because I also use it to pry rocks up and wanted to have a small curve to also fish targets from under big roots, so far this version does both really well. I dig with tip facing down to compensate for tough dry ground. Straight blade might work bit more like a screwdriver in that sense. Thanks for all the good feedback on it! Ken
  11. With an iron check, it should do well as a relic hunter as the ATX does but in a much better form factor.
  12. I pp the target with pp straight up and down and away from the target until I am spot on. I put the tip of probe tip facing down on opposite of target and push down then push the probe forward like a little pry bar and coil if its in range will be easy to pick up. Bit deeper target I will kind of fish around until I feel them on tip of probe but that can be tricky if there are a lot of rocks. Probe is best for targets that are just in the root line of the sod. Others that have many more hours with probes probably have better methods or tips.
  13. Aren't graphite poles conductive? Think I'd rather wait it out.
  14. All that digging you did even made my arms hurt :0 At least theres some coins in the mix. Amazing whats below our feet.
  15. I made the probe for myself after realizing some foreseen issues with a folding version. First couple I made I used a high carbon steel and only made 3. I liked the design and it worked pretty well and thought it might be something others can use. Sent one of the 3 out for testing and another I did some stress testing and found the carbon steel was too brittle for what I wanted it for. Revised the disign a little bit from the testers feedback and changed over to an alloy steel that is impact resistant and tough. Made 4 of those kept one and sent the other 3 out for more testing. Bob was kind enough to be a guinee pig for me and give good feedback on how it works. Other testers were really happy as well. I am getting requests for other versions or custom versions and looking at easier ways to cut the blades. Looking at a crevasse tool for divers and straight blade version. All these including my regular diggers are done in small quantities as I am a one man band without a kazoo making these. I really like that leather holster Bob found. Looks good. Thanks, Ken
  16. Sounds normal. When I run my Multi Kruzer and have tracking on in the beach all the modes except beach mode will push the gb into the 90's which is wrong for the beach. Manual ground balancing where I use the left and right arrows and adjust I can bring the gb so it can run in any mode on all of the beach from the surf to dry sand and just adjust as I go. Tracking in general can just drop off and have seen it in the 30's often when it should be in 80-90's but does correct itself. I typically only use tracking when water hunting in fresh water to save trying to bob the coil in the water.
  17. Beaches here are almost impossible to get parking and that runs $5 an hour... Got to hit the towel lines where people shake off their goodies fussing with the umbrellas and towels.
  18. Relic hunting the AT Max, Pro and even the Apex do pretty good. They are good on iron targets. I tend to hunt non iron targets and usually do my break on an old iron nail so on The AT's and Apex is around 32-33. On the Kruzers and Anfibio normalized scale it is 4.
  19. Wonder if it drops off with tracking on? Tracking should correct the gb if the machine was accidentily gb over or near a target.
  20. Kinda eyed that machine for towel lines and cuts on the beaches. Might do ok on the cuts and be killer on towel lines for small stuff. I think it's heavier than the Kruzers.
  21. AT Pro even with the stock coil tends to run the GB bit high. I always dropped 5 points and did little better on depth. In general the smaller narrower coils handle minerals better, smaller transmit field and less depth. In tougher grounds going bigger on coils can be really counter productive. Been waiting for Nokta to release the 5x91/2 for the Legend. If it is anything like it is on the Kruzers and Anfibio it will be one excellent coil. Pretty much what I use for jewelry hunting and do well with it.
  22. Coils of similar size will have similar gb. I do see a higher gb number on the Nel Big and much lower on the 5x9 1/2. None of my machines will drift off in gb except the Kruzer with tracking on in some conditions. Quick gb usually resolves it and puts the machine back on track. In your case it isn't the initial number but rather the machine is drifting off. If it only started under the update then it is a software issue. Your best bet is to give Nokta a hollar and they should resolve it.
  23. Ahh. Does a factory reset fix it even temporarily? Definitely contact Nokta on that. I had thought it was a drift issue with tracking.
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