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Everything posted by JCR

  1. On the Vista X, which is not a true Analog but a sort of hybrid, the GB setting needs to be spot on for best stable operation & depth. If the ground changes you know it quickly. On my NM Anfbio & AT Max you can run a slight offset while in Disc modes but then PP will be a bit wonky. I have not seen any real benefit to trying to hunt with a GB offset. Most of my sites seem to be mild to moderate ground. Sandy areas GB 55-60, about 1 bar on the mineral scale and my hotter red clay sites 65-70 GB & 3, rarely 4 bars on the Anfibio. The GB values on the AT Max will be close to 20 points higher. I still experiment some on the hotter ground trying to get the most stable operation.
  2. This is a good question and should garner some great discussion, I hope members will also comment on their relative ground as far as degree of Mineralization. GB #s & # of Bars on any scale.
  3. I like digging shotshell heads & cartridge brass as well as lead. It helps date a site's activity. An amazing amount of ammunition has been fired just about anywhere you go. If you dig them you will dig the buttons & coins also.
  4. I have always understood Naptha(also known as Stoddard"s Slovent) as a low flash solvent similar to common paint thinner. We use to use it by the 55 gallon drum in our shop to clean parts. White gasoline is Benzine, same as Coleman Lantern Fuel. Lighter fluid used to be Benzine. What you get now is Naptha. I use the Benzine in my lighters because it burns much cleaner.
  5. On my Anfibio I adjust the Z1 tone break & volume instead of using Disc or Notch. Depending on the hunt it maybe 06 or 18 or even 25.if in a 2 tone mode.(2DI, Deep, Beach). I hunted today for a lost ring running 3 DI with Z1 at Vol 01, Z2 at Vol 03 & Z3 at Vol 01. Gain 97 no Disc. I love the adjustability that it has. I only use Notch on my saved customized 5DI mode that I use for coins in modern trash.
  6. I may be wrong but that tire gage looks older than 1950's. Looks more like early to mid 1920's. Mr. Google should be able to come up with some info.
  7. Was that Alexander Enterprises? I bought my Garrett CX II there in 1994. I actually got it out today and ran it through the test garden. All metal is is not bad at all but the Disc mode can't come close to today's top end machines. t did find a lot of stuff anyway.
  8. Those are some great buttons. I have never run a F75 but I know it's reputation. I have kept information on Flagship class detectors for General knowledge to adapt to my situation, F75, Deus, Impact on others. The Physics are the same and I'm able to draw on the knowledge & experience of much more advanced detectorists. The purpose in lowering the Tone Break to 06 is to hunt in heavy nail areas for the mid conductors that are heavily masked by the iron beside and above them. The Iron pulls their conductance down. In my ground a normal size rusty cut nail comes in around 03-04. That is if it's not bent or have an extra rusty head. There a ways to interrogate the target and know it is isolated iron or something in addition. You will dig some nails for sure but that gets them out of the way and breaks up their halo. You will also find good targets that have been missed. Maybe a high conductor but more likely a mid conductor like your buttons or lead. It is really a specialty setting for specific site areas. The potential has to be there to justify this type of slow sweep, dig the odd ball sounding targets approach. Don't try to run too much gain. You aren't going to get past 3-4 inches anyway when it's wall to wall nails. 3DI at 89 Gain or lower with the same Tone Break of 06 is good also I just prefer 2DI or Beach. Dogodog your button does have a Fraternal look to it. Move your nails closer to the coin, then put one on top of the coin. How does that report? Now put the coin 1-2-3 inches directly under a nail. What will a little offset change? How about a Nickle 5 cent piece or cuff button? I try to simulate what I think might be in the ground on the site.
  9. Never stop trying to learn. I read posts & watch videos of all brands of detectors. The idea to reduce my Tone Break from 15-18 down to 06 was from an old thread on the F75 hunting for heavily masked targets in carpets of nails. It produced for me on ground I had been over carefully 3-4 times already.
  10. DI 2 is the base mid gain two tone mode on the Anfibio. At factory settings the Gain is at 70, Disc at 03 and the Tone Break is 15. ISAT is 01. These are very good settings that can be adjusted as site conditions dictate and experience increases. Because it only uses two tones; low tone for targets 15< and a higher pitch tone for targets >15 it is at home in sites where you would want to dig any target that is not a nail/small iron. Deep mode is very similar but has much less filtering and a slower, longer "look" at the target. It is a good bit deeper but slower on recovery between targets. Deep can be somewhat noisier from EMI. Beach Mode is also a two tone mode, similar to 2DI but with much more filtering and has a factory default Disc of 15. The nice thing about the Anfibio is you have all these base modes that are each geared toward a different hunt/site scenario. 2DI= Relic hunting on ground without modern Aluminum trash, just nails & larger iron. Dig all the high tones. Deep mode the same except use on cleaner ground and scan/sweep slower. The multi tone modes; 3DI, 4DI, 5DI, 99DI are useful in more modern sites that have a wider range of targets. I have adjusted my settings as I have gain experience with the Anfibio to better suit the different sites I hunt. Half the fun for me is figuring out the site and what works. My saved 2DI settings are Gain 85, Disc 01, ISAT 00(I have mild ground mostly) Tone Break 18. In heavy nails I use a Tone Break of 06 to help unmask. If the Iron is real falsy I will run Beach Mode. Spend some time experimenting, set up a thought out test garden and keep notes.
  11. I have the 4.5" Super Sniper for both my T Max and older CXII. They are good specialty coils. If you know their strengths & limitations. I have the small coils for the Anfibio & Vista X also. My next planned hunt is a hard worked nail bed at an old horse race track. The recent heavy rain has washed the Iron halo out of the sandy soil and I'm hoping to be able to find some more good targets due to soil conditions. I will use the small coils and very low Tone break, no Disc.
  12. Hunting in Trash thread is a good idea. One for Iron and one for Aluminum. I have been re reading some old posts gathered in my notebooks on the subject and got a few additional ideas to try.
  13. I have been using Beach Mode lately on the Anfibio working Iron patches in moist ground, I think it has a lot of attributes. Have had good success with it,
  14. JCR

    New To Forum

    I just read about the Whites DFX 300 in the database myself as I was unfamiliar with it. Sounds like a good solid all around machine. If you have learned to run it well you are doing good already.
  15. I read on another forum this morning where DeepTech had posted that they are changing the current 5 Pin coil connector to a 6 Pin design. Evidently to facilitate better alignment and prevent damaging the connection. Was hoping to see it also posted here. Are they a member?
  16. JCR

    New To Forum

    Welcome. You picked a great forum to join. Check out the Detector Data Base that has been compiled by the main man of this site, Steve Herschbach. The tab to access it is at the top of each of these pages. Should be good info for you.
  17. The Anfibio has the same TID limits in GenD mode. That is my one disappointment with the unit. If I want to run All Metal on a site I will use the AT Max with Iron audio on. Very deep & IDs stay almost to the audio limit.
  18. Check with Garrett Electronics. 800/527-4011.
  19. The customability of NoktaMakro and other newer machines is what makes them so great for me. They are capable of detecting almost any site. I guess this trend was started by XP with the Deus. The limiting factor is me, the operator. Your thinking outside of the box encourages me to beware of getting in a rut.
  20. That should work pretty well for cleaner targets. You will probably be limiting masked targets to a broken/clipped response. The best thing I have learned on my Anfibio Multi is to just reduce the Gain on busy ground or for EMI. After quite a lot of testing/experimenting in the test garden & in the field I lost my fear of missing something if not running it hot. The factory preset gain of 70 is surprisingly deep. With the 9.5X5 DD or 7in concentric it will hit a 6+ inch coin size target. That is deeper and just as quiet as 3DI @ 89 Gain. The real benefit is you can hear what the detector is telling you.You also get more nuance in the tones. It is no longer overwhelmed with "noise". I had it backwards; I was missing things because they got lost in the high gain noise. The more difficult the site, the more important it is to find an efficient signal balance. @cjc's book help a lot for me. I have also found a lot of benefits in the Beach mode's filtering for Iron ridden or wet ground sites. Your Kruzer should respond very similarly.
  21. I think the Anfibio has a better deeper standard coil. The special deal that is now running offers a choice on the second coil. One is a concentric that works well in the iron & trash with good VDI stability & discrimination . You really can't go wrong with either one. They are both easy to learn on and you won't out grow them.
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