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I Don`t Understand What Minelab Is Doing

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Clearly, with the huge amount of interest that is being shown in the after market coils for 7000, it`s obvious that there is a market out there for coils other than 14'' and 19".       I don`t take the 19" out much because I have had very little success with it and with my bad wrists it`s just too damn heavy, but Minelab did tell us in the early days of marketing the 7000 that they would be releasing a 11" coil down the track, and now there is another company that nobody has ever heard of making a huge range of coils that are lighter and have so far been very well received by the public.
What`s going on Minelab?

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1 hour ago, phrunt said:

The X-coils however aren't just giving people other size coils, they're actually performing better too.

The after market coils are also built better. I don't have the 7000, but on my GPX I have switched to Detech coils because the Minelab DD coils just don't last. Plus the variety of sizes is nice too. Maybe there is just not enough money in it for Minelab to get serious about coil manufacturing.... They may be too busy coming out with new machines that will squish back the competition a bit

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My guess is a whole new machine is eventually coming out and they don't want to waste money developing coils for something old that they will be phasing out. Lets hope the next top gun detector from Minelab is half the weight and has a small coil option.

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The part I really don't get is the radio silence. 

18 minutes ago, WesD said:

My guess is a whole new machine is eventually coming out and they don't want to wast money developing coils for something old that they will be phasing out. Lets hope the next top gun detector from Minelab is half the weight and has a small coil option.

If so, I don't get the point of the security chip at all. What exactly is it protecting? Why require a chip when they have nothing economically to lose if someone else makes coils? That chip indicates to me they were wanting to create their own coil market and be exclusive sellers (or sell licenses to 3rd party manufacturers). The only other explanation I can fathom is it was intended to prevent knock off GPZ's from using a real ML coil, but they are punishing customers way more than counterfeiters there if so.

I also don't get why JP, ML's most well known tester, is himself testing X Coils and was provided a chip bypass by ML themselves. Does ML have some sort of interest in X Coils like rebranding the coils as their own or buying them out, or...? If not and they make patches for people to use for their own benefit, why can't we buy one too?

So many things don't make sense to me here. I wish they would just say something. A large amount of people are about to chop up machines, some still under warranty and close to new, and still just...nothing, not a peep letting anyone know wether to wait or not.

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Jason that's well put. I think a lot of us are wondering about these issues and have been for quite awhile. It is a strange situation, although it is not particularly new, to have a company be this unresponsive to legitimate questions from it's customer base - questions that are predicated on what we have been led to believe from the earliest days of the 7000's release; coil interchangeability... 

There is a touch of absurdity in having to jeopardize our machines in order to avail ourselves of the coil versatility that the previous lines of detectors have had. The release of smaller coils is a valid expectation even if, as some have said, it was not explicitly stated. 

The GPZ is the best gold detector out there. To only have one additional coil available is unfathomable - unless, that is, there is another model in the pipeline that has taken precedence in the economic forecasting. Then silence is to be expected, unwelcome as it is - just not for 4 years.

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As has been stated before, there is always something in the pipeline.  It is more than just releasing it.  The existing product has a life and then there is a clamour for new or more and then they know it is time to release the next product.  Minelab is somewhat like a phone company with its electronics.  

The latest phone would be great for some people but the old ones still work for many.  They may have a two or three generation back product that still works in a way that is acceptable.  That is the way I am now with the Zed.  I'm not going to spend 2-3-4 thousand on a new lighter detector to go back over the same places I've already been.

I just need to get lucky again.  and again ... haha

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I like your phone analogy MN, tis unreal that the consumer can spend about the same on a 6" phone as on a 60"TV, both Android except iphones of course.

With ML it seems they push the SDC for those who want smaller coils, the Z for their 14 & 19. Hard to understand why they put that chip in the coil connector not in the coil itself, why bother...…….. buh ……………..ML works in mysterious ways but you cannot knock their detector technology as they are light years ahead. 

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26 minutes ago, Norvic said:

I like your phone analogy MN, tis unreal that the consumer can spend about the same on a 6" phone as on a 60"TV, both Android except iphones of course.

With ML it seems they push the SDC for those who want smaller coils, the Z for their 14 & 19. Hard to understand why they put that chip in the coil connector not in the coil itself, why bother...…….. buh ……………..ML works in mysterious ways but you cannot knock their detector technology as they are light years ahead. 

Got to agree with you Norvic. I thought when the ZED first came out that the chip was in the coil, but learned later it was actually in the plug. If they had have put the chip in the coil, we would all be stuffed !

Probably a mistake on their behalf, because now there is nothing they can do to stop the flow of aftermarket coils.


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You know Rick , I'll put money on it that the next gen ML Gold Machine will have 1/2 its circuitry in the coil like the Nox has, that will stuff everyone up that bought a "X" coil

Should that happen, those that have bought these coils will either buy the new Machine or keep what they have, use the 7 as a back up machine after the 8 comes out (if its any good that is) time will tell , 9.5kAU now 13kAU for the 8?

Where will it all end?


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