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XP DEUS / XP ORX Search Coil Chart

Low Frequency (LF) Search Coils 4, 8, 12, 18 kHz 9" round, 11" round, 13" x 11" (discontinued September 2018) XP DEUS Only

X35 Search Coils 4, 8 ,12 ,18, 25 kHz 9" round, 11" round, 13" x 11" XP DEUS and XP ORX

High Frequency (HF) Search Coils 9" round 15, 30, 50 kHz and 10" x 5" 15, 30, 80 kHz XP DEUS and XP ORX

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There seemed to be no one place where all the coils are listed, and XP was pretty quiet about the LF coils going away, so I have to admit I was not too clear on the current situation myself. It was as much for my own edification as anything.

Great roundup of specs, Steve.  Couple of comnents.

I know the "inch equivalent" dimensions are approximate, but regarding the HF elliptical, 24 cm = 9.44 inches so I typically refer to that as a 9.5 x 5 inch coil. All the other inch equivalent dimension approximates are close enough within a few tenths of an inch.

FWIW - there are software backwards compatibility issues with the newer coils.

The original LF coils will work with any version of Deus software from Ver 1 through Ver 5.21 (the latest release).

The HF coils and X35 coils are not compatible with SW below version 4.X and the X35 coils require version 5.X for full functionality (the HF coils have full functionality with either version 4.X or 5.X software).

The Deus SW upgrade features allow you to roll back to any previous "stable" or "bug free" version of the Deus software though coil functionality is limited as stated above and HF coils should not be "downgraded" to ver 3.2 or below as you may "brick" them, rendering them unusable and requiring a trip to the repair facility for recovery.  Note that any time you upgrade or downgrade software versions, all custom program and controller/coil profile settings are deleted and reset to factory defaults.

Now that I have confused everyone...enjoy the info.

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The pics and dimension/kHz info is straight out of version 3 and version 5 of the owners manual. That's not to say it's entirely accurate, but I am just matching what XP has published themselves. Thanks for the extra software info. I considered getting into that but was keeping it simple. Maybe in the next "deluxe" version. :smile:

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2 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

The pics and dimension/kHz info is straight out of version 3 and version 5 of the owners manual. That's not to say it's entirely accurate, but I am just matching what XP has published themselves. Thanks for the extra software info. I considered getting into that but was keeping it simple. Maybe in the next "deluxe" version. :smile:

Yeah, I have seen XP Americas refer to that elliptical as the 9.5" coil on their website, so I guess they go back and forth on that one.  No biggie, the metric dimensions are exact so people can use Google to do the exact conversion if they are so inclined.  Thanks again for the compilation.  You really have to dig around the various XP online pages to compile this info on your own.

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