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Two Months On Impulse Repair.... So Far

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4 minutes ago, King-Of-Bling said:

 BUT customer communication and response could be the kill shot for me.

And I certainly understand that supplies, help, restrictions, or whatever might be playing a part in the delay, but just a quick email from Fisher stating that we haven't forgotten about you would go a long way. Or does everyone have to be a "squeaky wheel" now days?

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17 minutes ago, okara gold said:

Or does everyone have to be a "squeaky wheel" now days?

People (companies) make mistakes and forget things all the time. Having run a service department, I promise that squeaky wheels do tend to get priority.... unless you squeak so hard you irritate the wrong person. :smile:

Two months is way too long.

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Good things come to those that wait but in your case wait and wait.

 This one you may never have trouble with.

 The Best!


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47 minutes ago, okara gold said:

UPDATE..... As I had just finished posting my last response on this subject, First Texas has just called me and said that they have built me a new AQ and it is being water / pressure tested this week. Shipping will be shortly thereafter. Thank You FT for listening to our concerns! 

You should probably thank OBN for that !

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6 hours ago, okara gold said:

Not to be a "Debbie Downer" but be careful what you wish for. My AQ has been at FT for repair since they received it on January 4th of this year. Almost 2 months now. I would have thought that FT would be more responsive and obligatory to those who got the Limited and needed repair. 

OG, great info on the AQ issues.

I'm hoping if and when I get the AQ limited, it will be the updated version OBN has been testing with better battery placement, improved headphones, volume switch issues resolved, etc.? I don't want the"original" model, now that improvements have been implemented.


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Say two years from now I come across a deal on one of these and the volume pot or something like that goes bad, would I be able to open it up and access the electronics or is it a welded together enclosure like the Nox?

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"Say two years from now I come across a deal on one of these and the volume pot or something like that goes bad, would I be able to open it up and access the electronics or is it a welded together enclosure like the Nox?"

On 5/30/2020 at 7:45 AM, Willy said:

When you put your hands on this unit, you should not attempt any opening of the enclosure nor the battery pod, they are completely sealed with hard EPOXY. This guarantees their watertightn'ess. If anyone would insist doing it, there are very good chances that some non repearable damage will occur.


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1 hour ago, Steve Herschbach said:

"Say two years from now I come across a deal on one of these and the volume pot or something like that goes bad, would I be able to open it up and access the electronics or is it a welded together enclosure like the Nox?"


If Fisher can take control housing apart and repair them I don't see why no one else can. I do know that battery pack is sealed up good but if you shake it you can hear the batteries moving around. Now I could see it if they used some kind of Potting Gel or epoxy but no way they could do a repair. What you think? I guess we will find out someday.

aq (2).jpg

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