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GPX 6000 For Coin And Relic Hunting

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Can't wait to see what you find. Good luck!

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Thank you for the information on this subject, I probably won't be getting a 6000 any time soon, but if I do I will remember what you wrote since I do mostly coins and junk.

Good luck on your next hunt and I do expect to see some nice pictures.

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Here's wishing you luck that it responds.  I would say if it doesn't you've already found what was there.


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I went on the VA NDL hunt a few years ago, and bumped into some guys who were preparing to take Minelab nugget machines into the field.  So I struck up conversation with them, asking "don't nails and iron drive you bonkers ?".  To which one of them said that it can disc. out nails.  But after some casual conversation, he admitted that .... any such disc. feature fails to work for targets deeper than 5 or 6".   But then he regaled me with tales of how it will effortlessly get a dime to a foot deep, blah blah.


Later in the hunt, 6 or 7 guys were working a cellar-hole location of the 100s of acres, where a home-site had been in the 1800s.   It was full of iron, of course.   And ... humorously .... I would see some of the nugget machine guys come hiking our way.   But when they got within 50 yard of this mess, they turned away for "greener grounds".  In other words, they were utterly restricted to wide-open fields, with random spread out targets, "lest they go psycho".


So don't let the "balls-to-the-walls" depth be the determining factor.   It comes with serious "gotchas".  And as for the insane depth on pinheads, well .... gee .... that's not the objective of coin/relic guys in the first place.  Ie.: the LAST THING YOU WANT in a relic/coin location, is for every pinhead to "ring the bells of Notre Dame"



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I'm curious about the brass beads and what they look like....I was going to buy some on line (not authentic) for a necklace I was going to make some day ?


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13 hours ago, schoolofhardNox said:

I did notice it hits every small wire from all the fences that were in the yard over the years.

You're making it seem like it's a PI.  :laugh:  Of course with all the non-nugget hunting you've done with the 5000 I'm sure you are not surprised at this, just reminded.  I like it that you are going against the grain (again) and using a detector most would argue is specifically for native gold detecting, in situations that are far from that.  Too bad the beaches are loaded with gawkers right now.  I'd like to read how it does in your element.  Only a couple months away?

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Hope ya  find all the gold on that beach with that spiffy new gold detector .  After you find out if they're not the same tone as gold , you should leave the pull tabs for the rest of us   !  Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr       Out of likes again..... 

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