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Steve's 2014 Alaska Gold Adventure

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Great job Steve, seeing those tiling piles reminds me of Moore Creek, I should be back in arizona about the end of October, I have a few long distance areas I have been wanting to hit for years, I would certainly enjoy having you along on the hunts, Dennis will be along and maybe Rich .

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Congrats on the nice nugget.

Too bad Jack Wade is not closer.

Still lots of opportunities await in the Sierra Nevada, plus elsewhere in CA, Nevada, Arizona, Idaho, Montana, etc.

Opportunities in Gold, but also tourmaline, sapphires, beach jewelry, ghost towns, etc.

See you in a couple weeks more or less.

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Great way to end your Fortymile adventure!

Rained most of the day again here. I'm not complaining though, good for me

up on the bench.


 Be safe on your trip south and I'm sure we'll bump in to each other again one

of these days. May even be in the desert somewhere  :) !

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Hi Dick,

Well my mood right now after a few days break and several showers is to maybe head back to Chicken tomorrow night. I just had a great tour of the Kenai Peninsula yesterday with visits to most of the rec mining sites, though I skipped Crow Creek at the end due to rain showers in the area. I have tons of photos of Crow Creek anyway. I am spending the afternoon with family then heading south in the morning. I always drive past Matanuska Glacier and this time am going to drive into the park for a closer look. And I am going to stop at the Caribou Creek Rec Mining site for a look and a few photos since I have never bothered before. A very good possibility with good weather in the forecast that I could end up in Jack Wade Campground tomorrow night for a few more days detecting.

Here are a couple intrepid souls prospecting for gold at Bertha Creek, where I panned my very first gold over forty years ago! The place really has not changed much in forty years. It was fun to see it again.


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Here is a nice view of Turnagain Arm from the Hope Road on my way to visit Resurrection Creek. Was a very nice day until the afternoon so got lucky with the weather. The Kenai Peninsula has to be one of the most scenic drives in the country with the mountains and glaciers, plus you get moose, sheep, bears, and even whales.


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Well, best of luck to you in your return to Chicken - I hope you do as well as you did in the last few days after I left. Having been there so many times, I am sure you have a few places in your head that you would like to try before leaving. Please say hello to Bernie and Chris for me.

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It is a cheap date thing. I will stay up the creek so no camping fee and no gas for commuting. I have plenty of supplies left to burn. Just get up and go detecting. Will probably just dig more nails out of the hill where Tom got the half ounce nugget etc. in other words, pound the pounded patches. See if I can get that last 0.15 oz to make it an even two ounces. That being the case though I will be offline a few days. I will say hi to Chris and Bernie for you.

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Got to love Alaska weather forecasts. They change by the hour and the Chicken area forecast has gone downhill significantly since yesterday. I am in Tok now and heading in but looks like for two or three days max. Day at a time thing though so all I can say is hope to report back in a few days. Thanks for being such a great group that I do not have to worry about being offline a short time!

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