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AlgoForce E1500

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Yea that DD on the 6000 is short of worthless. I used it beach hunting one time and figure it's probably a cancel coil. Depth is waaaaaay short if what a normal DD will get that size. I guess if EMI is an issue it's usable. For relic hunting I use the 11" mono on the 6000 and can say I really don't miss iron disc of the 4500/5000. If you use your ears and go by shape, sound and size, the 6000 is great. I know where the crossover point with both timings are and if I get a questionable target I'll flip between normal and difficult to see what happens with the signal. But overall I don't miss DD coils.

Having said that and swearing I'd never got back to a 4500 or 5000, I recently picked a used 4500 up for beach hunting and those real bad hotrock infested areas I gold hunt sometimes. The 6000 just doesn't do well in either of those scenarios.

I'm real excited to see what the Algoforce has to offer when it comes to some form of target ID. It should be an extra bit of information to use when hunting trashy sites and time restraints don't allow for digging every target.

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1 hour ago, Steve Herschbach said:

I do most ferrous vs non-ferrous work with all PI detectors strictly with my ear. I never use the Minelab or Axiom ferrous functions as totally untrustworthy for nugget detecting. I have seen 1/4 ounce plus gold nuggets called ferrous by those type systems and that's too much money to give up based on a poor result. Missing a bullet or a coin is one thing, missing a $500 nugget another. I honestly forget the feature exists as I never use it.

This really nails it, and this is perhaps not understood by some. For serious gold prospecting with a PI (let alone ZVT) there is no discrimination or target ID feature that would ever work with the current technology. Period. The Algoforce will not change this fact a bit. This is why neither the SDC, 6k nor the GPZ even offer this "feature", as they are designed for detecting gold. As Steve said, the only way to potentially do this is by ear. But it needs to be stressed that you really need to put in a few thousand hours fieldwork to get this "right". Many operators will not rely on this method and dig it all, me included. The only "discrimination" I do is the boot scratch method. Works pretty good, and it is free. For relic and coin hunting this is a different discussion, but also remember that gold prospecting and relic hunting are fundamentally different and require totally different techniques.


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Really hoping this E1500 has a stable conductivity target ID, have always wanted this feature on a PI. I can hear at the most probably 8 variations in tones on a PI which would be like running an equinox with a broken LCD screen. I usually dig everything until about quitting time, so would be still a great feature when I’m tired and only select digging targets.
Smooth timings have allowed mono coils to dominate most ground types, but with all detectors EMI is what can really hinder performance, hopefully they can get mono’s to handle emi better like the 6000’s Exceed series.

Bruce Candy even had to start somewhere and promote the original concepts and look where we are at now.

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1 hour ago, Gold Catcher said:

This really nails it, and this is perhaps not understood by some. For serious gold prospecting with a PI (let alone ZVT) there is no discrimination or target ID feature that would ever work with the current technology. Period. The Algoforce will not change this fact a bit. This is why neither the SDC, 6k nor the GPZ even offer this "feature", as they are designed for detecting gold. As Steve said, the only way to potentially do this is by ear. But it needs to be stressed that you really need to put in a few thousand hours fieldwork to get this "right". Many operators will not rely on this method and dig it all, me included. The only "discrimination" I do is the boot scratch method. Works pretty good, and it is free. For relic and coin hunting this is a different discussion, but also remember that gold prospecting and relic hunting are fundamentally different and require totally different techniques.


The AlgoForce does indeed change things with what it brings to the table for me but if not for anyone else…. whatever. I 100% advocate digging everything, every target. Yet what do you do when you have two hours and are looking at a nail filled trash pit? I’m going to cherry pick my targets. And the additional information the AlgoForce is offering me is going to enhance that ability for me in my hands. It gives me more information while not taking away anything from me. It makes no decisions for me, unlike the Minelab and Axiom systems. But I can see why for others it changes nothing and is not worth even considering or trying, and that’s fine. Nobody and I mean nobody needs one of these…. except me. I know what I want and have a plan so enough from me on this subject. :smile:

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14 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

Yet what do you do when you have two hours and are looking at a nail filled trash pit?

I usually use VLF for these situations, like my Manticore with gold prospecting mode and all metal. The ferrous indicator does not work at all (!) for small gold, only the Target ID is somewhat useful if the gain is not too high. But depth is very limited (<3 inch). But indeed, and as you say, for these situations I am very eager to hear the first reviews, as a PI-ID might indeed be superior to the VLF IDs in these situations, albeit depth will likely limit target ID accuracy, even for a PI. Nevertheless, for this particular situation the PI-ID might indeed be superior, which would probably be reason enough to buy the Algoforce, in particular looking at the fairly low price. And mono coil will then be fine, because the ID will probably only work well in shallow ground anyhow, and sensitivity is maximized with mono.


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Looks like a great opportunity to dip my toes in the PI arena with what seems to promise to be an exceptional value for the $$. While Algo is going through the fcc testing and entering the US market I can be reading Simon's and other upcoming exploits  with the machine and trying to scrounge up a used mono coil or two. 

One thing that kind of looks appealing with this unit and it's capability of self tuning to the coil is the prospect of 3D printing housings and hand wrapping my own coils. 

Looking forward to reading more about this over the 6 month Simon and others.  Until then saving my pocket change.   


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Not only does the detector seem to be well thought out, even the marketing seems to be very well done.  The amount of expectations there are and not a single video.??

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