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Beer Caps


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On 11/25/2017 at 9:19 AM, Steve Herschbach said:


The other thing that is not happening is aluminum is not “upscaling” to a high coin signal. This has actually been my number one problem with single frequency detectors, especially the “Euro” models. They like turning rolled up beaver tails and other smallish aluminum items into coin signals. This is a known issue with single frequency detectors in magnetite laden soils.

That’s not happening with Equinox.

This is refreshing to hear!  It used to drive me absolutely crazy on my F75, it loved them, especially if they came in a non-default shape (bent, rolled; separated, etc).  I don't do a lot of park hunting where I live anymore because most of the parks are fairly well hunted out and I discovered relic hunting, older coins, some great relics and interesting history to boot.  

That said, from reading your Informative Equinox posts, I may well revisit park and turf detecting when the Equinox 800 is released.  It's really sounding like the do all, and do it very well detector - relic, turf & park, beach (salt water beaches yet to be seen).



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On 11/30/2017 at 1:04 AM, Jackpine said:

Which brings up the question.  Steve are you lobbying ML for for a 10" elliptical? I hope so.

Tom I'm with you on an elliptical 10" coil, it's been a favorite on my F75 and Racers.

Actually that brings up another question for Steve - Did Minelab provide the optional small and large coils in your field test kit?


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Just curious Steve......... with the fast recovery where you are finding masked targets...... is the single digit screen jumping all over the place?   Whites used to drive me nuts........ so yes i was a tone hunter.   Bottle caps very so much the deeper and ruster they get........ and corona and bud light added some copper so they are hard to walk away from.   I agree..... we will miss the smart screen....just a lot of information there.   But..... for water hunters simple seems to work best as long as it has depth and sensitivity........ it all comes down to tone.


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Equinox is every bit as fast as a Deus if not faster. I don’t pay attention to screens when a sweep reveals 16 or 24 targets. I assume numbers are blasting around like crazy. I don’t look at a screen until the audio says I should so it has not made an impression on me as to what it is doing exactly but will check and report back.

I can make all detectors fool me. Lots of ferrous items fire off high tone squeaks with any detector. I usually know they are ferrous. I do wonder at times if a coin is co-located with a nail or bottle cap. Something about the little squeak will be enticing. Usually I will pass on those types of iffy targets due to lack of time and desire not to dig any more plugs than necessary. However, if I am in the mood and particularly aggressive, I dig these, and that is when weird ferrous stuff shows up. Old nails on end, etc.

Equinox is no different. There are clearly good targets, clearly bad targets, and then there are borderline and questionable targets. If you aggressively chase questionable targets you will tend to dig more trash. Equinox is still a metal detector and acquired detecting skills still matter. I can dig nothing but coins with Equinox if I choose, by skipping anything remotely questionable. If I dig every tiny little indication of a coin no matter what, then junk starts to appear. Learning a detector and where that line is is something all experienced detectorists do and will still have to do with Equinox.

Everything that appears on a detector screen also appears in the audio if you run full tones. All a screen does is plot the responses visually. That is not to say a screen cannot be a tremendous aid, even a necessity for those with hearing challenges. I like and enjoy hunting with detectors that have great visual displays. Even then though I am and will always be a person that goes after targets first and foremost because they sound good to me. People’s mileage will vary in that regard.

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