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Gpx4500 High And Low Conductors And Tones ( After Advice)

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hi guys i was just wondering if anyone out there knows if its possible to change the high and low tones individually on a gpx . i think i already know the answer as havnt managed to do this and ive used this machine for over a year and found lots gold along with my sdc and gold monster .but encase ive missed something i thought id ask and the reason for this question is as follows 

i recently brought a tdi sl just to have one and even tho it lacks the ooomph of my 4500 thats been modded . i absolutly love the difference between high and low tones or high and low conductors .the tones are so different were i still struggle to tell the difference between a high low or low high on the gpx without taking along a we lead sinker  or small nugget to wave over the coil to compare as  the sounds are so similar .. id love to be able to change the tone of just the high and then just the low so they are vastly different .so does anyone know if its possible to do this ? or tips to make it more notably different 


thanks Craig

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aw nice what part of nz you in im down the westcoast southisland .. .and yea i figured that was the case shame they never incorporated something like the tdi with a high low switch or idividual tone control just adds alot more to the detecter imo .tho i guess whites had it patented i normaly dig everything anyway but with the extra power with the mods i got sick of digging over a meter down for a old pick head lol and that was with a 8inch detech mono coil wasnt a fun day . im sure with it coming into summer and more time ill get better at telling the low high from high low 

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My way of looking at using any Pulse Induction machine, is dont listen for a tone. You need to concentrate on listening for a break/change in the threshold. And then (unfortunately) dig every target. Depending on shape and size, gold can sound like rubbish and visa versa.

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Thanks JW yea I kinda figured all that but thought there mite be some hidden thing I've missed Haha I also have been to haast alot fishing and jetboating and also gold close by ship creek ? there is a few places between here and haast that hold gold but its alot of hard yards for  sometimes nothing but I just enjoy getting out exploring if I find gold bonus ... I havent got up moonlight yet I've been looking on the maps trying to pick side creeks and other spots that could be good and had less people there just a case of seeing what's under claim so you dont tread on anyone's toes... I know the little grey and Redjacks both held nuggety gold along with Nelson creek think this summer I'll go explore up that way the modded gpx realy is a beast .with the rite coil I can hit gold as small as my sdc and at alot more depth ..how do you find the qed compared I was looking at getting a qed from stinky pete over in oz 

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Also jw do you have any recommendations on who to contact in oz for detecting I'd love to get over there spend a couple weeks chasing gold over there I have a brother who works in one of the big open cast mines in kalgoolie  so somewhere around that area would be good but see you have been everywhere looking for gold so thought I'd throw the question out there :)

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What yip sure is the one I grew up in southwestland and just from talking to the old people I the area I managed to find it out af yea agtee on the out g the way paces i do alot of adventuring into the unknown ..and yes from hokitika found alot of Gold around ross area but yet to make it down your way tho I have been into Moke once thanks to daniel when I'm out I normaly target bedrock and use both vlf nox800 or monster along with gpx to over it al

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Yea I did wonder... I have looked at the zed but like you mentioned most of the places I go the 14 is just to big .  As for my settings they may differ being modded with latest mods but I run the front end gain ( mod) flat out run in normal or sharp stabilizer 10ish rx gain about 3 or 4 or to as high as it will let me with all the extra filters it just purs I never use enhance or sense special all the others affected my depth alot 

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