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Valens Legacy

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Everything posted by Valens Legacy

  1. Very interesting read, thanks for posting it.
  2. Yes they are able to be recharged, go to Amazon and type in 9 volt lithium battery charger and it will pull up several of them.
  3. Very nice finds and I bet that you still enjoyed the hunt. No matter which way you hunt in the water, when you can still find items like that it is worth it. Good luck on your next outing.
  4. Nice to see some more gold in your pan, and glad that you are still able to get the job done. That river is looking quite cold and I hope you get another chance to have some more fun out there. Winter is on it's way and I hope that you can get a few buckets to work at home this winter. Thanks for the nice pictures and take care out there.
  5. So we do have roads made of gold here in the USA. Someday I will have to go there and carry a big pick with me.
  6. Great hunt 350, you are getting some good rewards since the naked lady. Great finds and hope you get in a few more hunts in before the end of the year. Keep those feet warm while your out.
  7. I think that everyone knows that and I was just joking because he does find plenty of nice finds also. Two separate parts of the country will always have different finds to be found. As always good luck and stay safe.
  8. Great hunt and wish it was warmer for you. Nice to see some more for you to add to your collection, looks like about 2 grams of flour. Good luck on your next outing and stay safe out there.
  9. Nice hunt with great finds, we all know that you don't care about Tamps's whining. Good luck on your next outing and keep making those nice saves.
  10. Great hunt with some really nice finds, way to go on the beach. Good luck on your next hunt and stay safe out there.
  11. Should you want to get a little more fine gold use the foam filter they use on a window air conditioner. I have been doing it for about 2 years and have picked up extra small flour gold, but it all adds up.
  12. Nice hunt with some very nice saves. Good luck on your next outing.
  13. A lot of German dental work is done with 8k gold, and has been used for nearly 100 years in Germany. Something grandfather taught me. He said they used it because is worked well for dental procedures and gold was scarce in their area because of the wars.
  14. Shame on you, no matchbox cars! You better go back and find one. Nice to see you finally find some gold, I thought your wife was going to get mad at you over it. Good luck on your next hunt.
  15. Welcome to the forum and glad that you are here. I am not to far from you location wise, about 60 miles north in Illinois. When I found out about how much this forum can help with learning your detector I was amazed. While I am still a newbie I can tell you that these people are the best and will answer any question you may have. Remember that there are no stupid questions, unless it is the one that should be asked. Good luck and good hunting, and never go to the Arch as it is Federal ground and you will go to jail.
  16. Love to see the places that you sluice at, and also the gold that you get from there. My areas look a lot like them, and some areas look like mud banks with nothing to show. The first one has always given up the most gold , but the second one is getting closer. One never knows about how much gold one will find in any creek, and that is why I always keep going back. Great work again and good luck on your next hunt.
  17. Just found out where all the good stuff has gone when I go detecting at a beach.
  18. Great job on the back of the coin, looks like it came from a high end coin dealer. Good luck on your next hunt.
  19. Great find , but a better restoration job. I have a couple of IH's that my grandfather had found and was going to try to clean up before he passed away. Some day I hope to find someone that can clean them up so I can have them put in a frame. Good luck on your next hunt and hope that the backside turns out just as good as the front.
  20. Great find and I know that you almost had an accident when you pulled that from the ground. Good luck on your next hunt.
  21. My guess would be close to 3.5 grams to 5 grams from the look of it in the pan. Hit it as much as you can before the cold weather sets in . Take care and stay safe out there.
  22. I really like your system for getting your equipment to the creeks. Seems like you have all the solutions for your neck of the woods, and that always makes it a better hunt. Good luck and stay safe out there.
  23. Great hunt and it paid off for all the hard work. Good luck on your next outing.
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