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Valens Legacy

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Everything posted by Valens Legacy

  1. More information on the lettering on the chain: SU CH was a misprint on the stamp, as it should read SUCK. That was used for people that were being real cheap when buying something for the wife. The person selling the item was telling the buyer in his own way "SUCKER"
  2. Looks like a great day of hunting for you, glad to see some nice saves. One of these days I am going to get back out there, if grandmother stops making a list of things to do for me. Good luck on your next outing.
  3. Thanks again for sharing this information, I as a newbie can use all the help I can get to use. Good luck on your next outing and let us know if you find that great big 100kg nugget!
  4. Great results for your time, what did it weigh and what was the content of gold? What type of detector were you using? Good luck on your next hunt!
  5. Great hunt for you, glad to see it hitting that good on those targets. I am waiting for one to get in stock and just can't bear it. I really want to get out there with one of those soils. Good luck and happy hunting!
  6. Fantastic finds and great work you have done to find them. Good luck on your next hunt.
  7. Great hunting on that type of ground, it seems to be pretty rough out there. Good luck on your next outing.
  8. I wonder if the G ring hits the right spot? Another great hunt again, and good luck on your next outing.
  9. Great finds, the heart shaped necklace looks very good. Good hunting and sometimes it pays off to change things up a little. One of these days I am going to hit a beach and then maybe find a ring. Good luck on your next outing.
  10. Interesting finds and some good hunting on your part. Which detector were you using? Good luck on your next hunt.
  11. Very nice finds and a few good pictures also. I love seeing where people are finding items and read their stories. Good luck on your next hunt.
  12. I have no idea on how long the token was in the ground, but does seem likely that it had to be after the house was torn down. Thank you for looking and offering a little insight to what it is.
  13. Thanks for the links and I am just just amazed at how fast people have been able to respond to this token with great links and advice. Can you tell that I am still a newbie at this.
  14. Thanks for the information, and I really need to bookmark that page or app.
  15. Only if you had a few thousand of them and a gun to boot when trying to make them take them.
  16. Saturday I was at an old farm house when I happened upon the token below. After some minor cleaning with my ultrasonic cleaner I was able to read what it said. I have no idea what it is or why it is, if anyone has any ideas please let me know. The item is about 3/4 the size of a dime, or closer to a trime, and is from a local town here in Illinois. That is about all I can say about the Item, but would love to know more as to what it is. The farm house was built around 1890 and was removed about 25 years ago. Thank you for your help!
  17. Great find and very nice looking at that. Still if you think it is to small I would be glad to take it off your hands, I am sure that I could find something that would look bigger for you. But then again what I have might not be gold. LOL Good hunting and good luck on your next outing.
  18. Those are some good choices that you are looking at, I have the Nox 800 and love it. Not only is it great for almost anything you can throw at it, but it is also waterproof and if your near water or it rains you are covered with it. I would never be near the water with some of those detectors because they are not waterproof. Good luck with your decision on your new detector.
  19. So is it time for me to bring my sluice? I am planning a trip out there in the future and hope I meet some good people such as you and other members Good luck and happy hunting
  20. Great hunt and good research on your find. What they think of to sell products now days. Good luck on your next hunt.
  21. Glad to have you and your experience with us, pleas share some of your stories and finds with us. You are in such a beautiful place full of wonder, and I hope to see some of your pictures from there.
  22. Great list of items that you have listed, and I bet that it has taken some time to dig those. Good luck on you next hunt and I wish you more good dates.
  23. For me when I am out in the summer heat I have only used a normal ball cap, but I also use a damp towel from the cooler for the top of my head to my shoulders. I learned this from my grandfather when we went panning for gold. I could use it for hours upon hours and stay cool. When I started to get warm I would simply replace it with a fresh one again. Total cost, Free hat from almost any vendor, and the towel was about 2 bucks.
  24. Nice looking charm and in good shape. My dad took us there about 8 years ago for vacation, and it is very nice in early spring. As far as detecting I don't know if they would allow it as it is a state park. You may want to check on that part, but there is a lot of area to check out. I sort of remember that it was about 2 hours from Dayton I think. Good luck on your next outing
  25. Well maybe God had second thoughts about where the beach should have been. Just a theory but who knows for sure. My second guess would be they removed some homes and added the beach sand.
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