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Everything posted by fredmason

  1. don't feel bad, Scott...you are in bad company...I asked Minelab to send me one they said talk to the dealer the dealer was told to talk to the distributor and so on and so on...still waiting. They know who bought GPZ's and they have the addresses...why not send them pdq and skip the BS???? fred
  2. The Lobo ST is fine in drysand...not much good with the stock coil in wet-salt-sand...but it has been years since I used one and i may not remember correctly... fred
  3. don't depend on them rattling; and not seeing them does not mean they were not there... fred
  4. I feel that detecting in parks is better just after thunderstorms with the ground a bit moist...but not soaked. fred
  5. Petersen, don't forget those ticks that kill...I love Australia! fred
  6. My limited experience in Northern Nevada indicates the gold can be deep or shallow, small or larger...I suspect your best bet is to work carefully under the sage bushes...watch out for little and very hard to see rattlers! fred
  7. a 600 nugget week is its own validation, Chris...wtg! fred
  8. just don't stick your pick in an old bomb!!! Good luck fred
  9. So, what is the story Paul...were those found with your xterra?? very nice fred
  10. no wonder that was a hard trip, you were upside down! pretty flood gold too fred
  11. Yeah, I tried to get my wife to do the digging but she won't dig...she would rather supervise... fred
  12. Norvic; on the surface things seem similar in the USA and Oz...but it just ain't so. It is a bit ot complex to explain in print...come on over and we can chat around the campfire, drink beer and have a time! fred
  13. oh the pain!!! all my deep holes have been junk. I dread the thought of the holes my GPZ has waiting for me, only the hope of a really nice thumper keeps me digging. Doug Stone once told me on my first trip that nuggets are never alone. He forgot to mention just how far apart they can be... fred
  14. yeah, that was the best dirt road we ever were on...fortunately because my teeth were getting rattled loose!!!! fred
  15. corrugated is Australia for washboard roads... millions of miles of them. At least that is how it seemed travelling from Western Australia to Ayres Rock...several hundred miles...no traffic...don't break down! This part had just been graded fred
  16. Scott; here are my observations from three trips to Oz. Almost everyone has solar and generators. Their refrigs and freezers are generally 12v. They either camp near a fresh water supply or haul water in tanks or bottles. Solar showers or dipping water from the stream...or not. depending on the crew, food can be very basic or the full spread...(see solar refrig and freezers) Most serious gold hunting is done in the cooler parts of the year-fall and winter in WA or the NT. Clothing must suit very cold nights and very warm days, sometimes rain and snow... Toilets can be the ever popular hole in the ground or something more civilized... Travelling the Outback is a great adventure...I loved it! fred
  17. Nice gold Chris...no doubt that window screen would drive a you batty with a gpz... fred
  18. Paul, sounds like you have selected one of the coin modes than notches out pulltabs and most aluminum...read than manual again...I found it a bit confusing with the xterra70. The 705 has more options and is overall "better". I doubt you will find much gold notching out tabs...hopefully I am wrong. BTW the readouts will vary with the orientation of the target...take a gold ring and lay it flat then lay it perpendicular and see the difference... good luck fred
  19. you should throw those dinks back and let them grow up...NOT! very nice fred
  20. Merv; back in 2005 when Steve opened up Moore Creek to pay-to-mine I decided to get back into nugget hunting. I had sold my gp extreme and did not have a nugget hunting detector. At that time Eric Foster was developing his Gold scan 5...knowing his reputation and wanting to be cutting-edge I bought one of the first to hit this country. For a number of reasons that was a poor choice...I made a huge mistake and paid dearly for that decision. So, yes, I will admit I was very sorry. But, also, I learned a lot about me and detectors. I got an education albeit for a lot more than a little money. Fred
  21. I agree that a coil made specifically for a given machine is usually best. Same with size...the manufacturer generally knows what their machine can tolerate well... good luck fred
  22. Matt; if Reg is around he could best answer your question...i had the GS5 which was the TDI's daddy...and I am certainly not an expert. fred
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