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GPZ Won't Ground Balance With Ferrite. Solutions?

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Hi Flakmagnet

It might be worthwhile to get with a dealer or another GPZ 7000 owner to compare detector performance and procedures.

Or join a club that has some GPZ owners. There are many benefits to belonging to a club.

There are a few of us GPZ 7000 owners at Bill Southern’s Spring and Fall outings in Arizona. The next one is near Quartzsite March 20-22. It’s a lot of fun and the cost is the price of a pot-luck dish.

Have a good day,

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Hi Steve, I did do a reset as a result of the first post's suggestions but the difficulty of tuning with the ferrite returned. I have been in the same area so had not reset recently…and I think it makes a lot of sense to reset often especially if it's been awhile since I've been out, so that is what I will start doing. 

I do always reset when I change areas.

I am always gratified by the responses to questions and I have learned a lot more by asking them than by not asking.

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8 minutes ago, Chet said:

It might be worthwhile to get with a dealer or another GPZ 7000 owner to compare detector performance and procedures.

Or join a club that has some GPZ owners. There are many benefits to belonging to a club.

There are a few of us GPZ 7000 owners at Bill Southern’s Spring and Fall outings in Arizona. The next one is near Quartzsite March 20-22. It’s a lot of fun and the cost is the price of a pot-luck dish.

Have a good day,

Hi Chet, all good suggestions. I belong to WSPA and have since its inception. I've been to Bill's outings in Gold Basin and have also hunted with him in different settings. I am pretty comfortable with the GPZ and coming up with settings that work in various areas, but the ferrite difficulty is recent hence the questions. I do think my lack of resetting often is the culprit and will mess with that next time out.  

I do look forward to meeting you one day, I hear so many nice things about you. Best...

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Hi Flakmagnet

I just recently joined the WSPA at Bill’s last outing near Morristown. Hopefully it will provide some new possibilities and activities. I look forward to meeting you and more of the members.

Have a good day,

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This seems to be the clearest method to overcome what I am experiencing. From a post by JP:

Turn the GPZ on.

 - noise cancel.

 - balance with ferrite and Quick Trak in semi auto.

 - release Quick Track and pump ground balance just off to the side. 

 - check ferrite again.  If still making noise over ferrite, balance with ferrite and Quick Trak in semi auto again.  Repeat the above steps until quiete over ferrite and ground.    

 - start detecting.  

 - check over the ferrite sporadically through the day or if the detector seems 'out of tune'.  

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Hi Flakmagnet

That is a good procedure. 

Sometimes I have experienced ground with reddish rocks that would not ferrite balance at all. I look around for better looking ground and balance with a little more effort since I had knocked it way out while trying on the hot ground.
Sometimes it won’t quiet down as much as normal. But later hundreds of feet away on some different ground it balances fine.

Have a good day,

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In my experience what can help with Ferrite balance is to make sure your coil is right next to it, then when you squeeze the trigger, go over the ferrite immediately. And give the coil a few quick sweeps across it. 

Are you in Normal or Difficult? 

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High Yield Normal is the most sensitive mode on the GPZ to the Ferrite, in other words that mode will make the loudest Ferrite response over any other. In some instances if the G balance is way out it is best to pump the coil first to get the G balance correct before introducing the Ferrite, the reason you do this is to avoid the G balance trying to also balance out the Ferrite signal at the same time it has to get rid of a lot of G signal.

High Yield also saturates the most (when you couple the coil to the ground and a signal is heard as you briskly pull the coil away (de-couple), High Yield is also the most sensitive mode to Salt signals (bring coil from ground height straight up to above your head and listen for a moaning sound as the coil moves through from knee height to above your waist, the stronger the signal the greater the amount of salt present).

So best Ferrite balance practice using High Yield Normal is:

  • Check for EMI and perform a Manual or Auto Tune till threshold is a smooth and stable as possible.
  • Bring coil to ground and pump coil till the GB is Quiet (Make sure Semi-Auto Mode is selected).
  • Place Ferrite on ground where there are no target signals, preferably non-saturable non-salty ground.
  • With Quick-Trak depressed bring coil in over Ferrite at front of coil where the word Minelab is on Blue sticker.
  • Move coil slightly slower than brisk left and right over Ferrite till there is no noise then release QT button.
  • Pump coil to one side, you can also sweep the coil left and right away from the Ferrite to average the GB (I personally pump the coil up and down and occasionally combine some sideways sweep if the ground is saturable).
  • Bring coil back in over the Ferrite and check for any residual signal, if there is repeat Quick-Trak Ferrite Balance till there is no signal with GB correct waving over the Ferrite (do not scrub the Ferrite because there will usually be a bit of residual signal left over (not loud).
  • If this method still results in a dominant signal off the Ferrite then potentially you have a faulty coil, try using the Reset-All method holding down the Power button at switch on re-do your settings and repeat above. Re-set all is a HARD re-set and re-sets the GB and Ferrite balance and all other global settings to factory settings.


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JP I have just copied this post. I will take it to the field and do as you suggest. 

Thank you to everyone for their patient and considered posts, it's why this is the best forum anywhere for this hobby.

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