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Fisher Impulse AQ Calibration Procedure

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Settings are close to recommended, other then the delay. looks like 9 or 9.5

 Where I hunt there are lots of crab pot pieces. When looking for stuff to test the "AQ" and hunting for them with the excalibur.......... I found it's rare for me to find a nail or even a bunch like the setup tested in Alexandre T video's. So I went with what I'm more likely to encounter..random crab pot pieces. I took a (1) to 2 inch piece..bent a little.  Even though I consider the "AQ" a PI i'm still very impressed when I've used it in the mute mode. And something to take note of in the video, you get a mute in one direction (from the crabpot piece) and a hit on the gold ring in the other....

Now if I encounter this same reaction I will know to dig....

Also on the warm up period. First thing I noticed . While airtesting I noticed the threshold was slowly climbing...Got that on video some where, think I took note it was 15 minutes and needed adjusting twice during that time.

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50 minutes ago, phrunt said:

I notice in that video where he detects the depth of the Nickel every time he put the detector down the coil reacts badly to the ground, this is what I was experiencing with the QED and it had me worried I'd be losing depth because it wasn't balancing the ground out.  I guess not and it is OK that it reacts to the ground?, also on a few swings it's falsing, I wonder how distracting that falsing would be in actual use walking along the beach detecting having to stop to recheck all the falsing.  Can this be resolved on the AQ somehow, lowering sensitivity or something or is that falsing normal due to the ground balance?   I'm really new to this no ground balance beach detecting stuff so forgive me if my questions are silly.

The other thing is as it's getting put deeper into the hole I notice it's really bunching up, the deeper the coin is going the worse it's happening, you'll see what I mean where the hand is and the block of wood, not sure if this is affecting the coin depth. Joe could probably answer that one.   Not saying anything funny is going on, just wondering if that would possibly cause the depth not to change much and went unnoticed.


I'll have to watch the video again...old age..Headed out for a hunt, be back late..

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Phrunt - the squeal when the coil is lowered to the ground is characteristic and is just the AQ sensing the ground signal then the ATS restoring the threshold. The AQ is not “balanced” to the ground in the usual sense of a TDI or a GPX. 

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On 7/15/2020 at 9:43 AM, Willy said:

Whatever iron target you use, execute the procedure I described to adjust the iron reject.

Yes, that what I do. I find the Expert procedure to work the best for me.

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"In my case I'll keep inside an harness pocket that iron nail and set everything underwater..."

No one responded to the above statement.   Is this how the machine should be adjusted...by doing it in the SALT water..... vs wet sand, then entering the water?   If you set it in the wet sand .... then get out there waist deep (where things start really changing), will it be running correctly?  OR, will there be adjustments needed going in and out of the water to ensure you are getting the best possible depth?

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I think it probably makes relatively little difference, time and experience under different circumstances will tell. Remember on this however. This applies to mute and tone modes only. The Rejection control has no effect in all metal.

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