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Who Needs Oak Island When You Have Your Own...

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Local water supply is super low from the drought we have here and was able to finally walk out to an island that is normally not that accessable. Not a whole lot on the island or at least what was in range of my Gold Racer's coil due to the erosion over the years but at least I got much of the curiosity out of the way. Out of it found a couple musket balls, shield nickel 18??, IH penny 18?4, old button with bit of guilding on the edges still on it, some odd double loop thing that looked like some junk jewelry. Lots of sinkers, various rounds and of course a Pencil Erasor!






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Great finds, But you need to dig a few hundred test pit's and get Gary Drayton on your team Ha Ha

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That double loop thing almost looks like a watch winder. Must have been fun to detect a place you have always looked at but could not get to.


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Good finds and it seems you will be back there again, when you do I wish you more luck on the next hunt.

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I have the feeling it was hit heavily over the years during other droughts seeing that there was no sliver or larger copper coins. There is a ton of erosion so really need to use a deeper machine. I was going to take the Tejon out there with the 10x12 but my headphone wire has a split in it that I need to fix first. Buddy of mine may hit it with his Nox.

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21 hours ago, dogodog said:

Great finds, But you need to dig a few hundred test pit's and get Gary Drayton on your team Ha Ha

Haha, yup.   And then all ya need to do is draw in all sorts of local history of the local area .  Ie.: Any explorers who (gasp) came by the area.  Then throw in some Knights templar and freemason suggestions.    Then add a few cliff-hangers before commercials, and PRESTO, then you can't deny there's a billion dollars there (or the holy grail, blah blah).    It will be undeniable by the time you're done.   The fact that it's never found only ADDS to the assurance that it's assuredly there.  Just a little more to the right.  A little more to the left.  A little deeper, etc....  At no point is it not assuredly there.  Eh ?


I'm convinced that I can spin a similar story about a treasure in my backyard in Monterey, CA . After all , the Spanish were plying our coast in the mid 1700's.   And mysterious lights have been seen coming and going.  And the Carmel mission and Monterey pueblo were not far away.  And no doubt they were "filthy rich".   And there's mysterious uncanny shapes (treasure markers) in my back yard.  Eg.:  The square paver stones for my backyard path.  And the rectangular fence planks, blah blah.   All of which are certainly "clues".    And if I detect long enough, I'm sure to find a nail.    No doubt another clue to the Spanish treasure that is certainly in my backyard.  Right ?  🤣

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Yup, just like Gary found a 19th century railroad spike and called it a 17th century ship nail. 15th to 19th century humans were smart. No one would dig 250 ft to hide a treasure below the water line of an island.

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1 hour ago, dogodog said:


Yup, just like Gary found a 19th century railroad spike and called it a 17th century ship nail. 15th to 19th century humans were smart. No one would dig 250 ft to hide a treasure below the water line of an island.

Yup.   But amazingly people continue to think there's a treasure there.   And a "mystery", blah blah.   There's utterly no mystery or treasure at all.   All the supposed "clues" can be chalked up to more plausible benign innocuous explanations.   


The only reason this sillyness goes on for so long (and attracts so many believers), is because of the subconscious human psychology that surrounds treasure.   No one wants to be "laughed at all the way to the bank", so we hold out hope, and don't apply logical scrutiny .   Oak Island is nothing than silly embellished legend.  And the coin and nail found there (and "uncanny shapes and random junk in the ground) could be found ANY place on earth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Repaired my old headphone wires for the Tejon and took it to the island to see if I missed anything with the Gold Racer and to see how it worked with the gb pot all cleaned up. GB worked great even in that crappy ground and even snuck out a 76 penny at 11" or so. Not sure why it was so deep, thinking it got caught in the erosion. Large musket ball, tiny one I think is from an early pistol as well as other miniballs. Pretty much dug all in that range so you see a bit of aluminum because I did pick up a shield nickel last time. No coins that I could pick up that were old so guess there wasn't a lot of activity out there. Seems like people did more shooting at the island.

Ordered new headphones for the Tejon as the others are really worn out and beat up from the brush. Will concentrate along the shorline for any coins that might be from the hunters.


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