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I would not mind using the SPO1 more.  I bought one a along time ago. Back when they were $200 LOL. However I never use it I’m actually thinking about selling it, not because I don’t like it but I just don’t like having all the extra cords. I like the WM12 and it just hooks to my shirt.  If I have to use the SPO1 then I need to have the WM12, that and another speaker. It’s just too much. Now if they made one that just would replace the WM12 all as one I would buy it. I did suggest that a while back, I was hoping maybe they were making one.

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12 hours ago, jasong said:

The EMI situation in places close to massive population centers like in California or parts of Arizona is another level compared more remote, less populated parts of Australia, or even places like NNV. Just California has almost double the population of the entire country of Australia. Phoenix metro area has basically the entire population of New Zealand. Just as two relative references. Lots of military, power generation, air travel, and other stuff that produces EMI that travels some distance.

The SP01 is compressing/limiting/expanding the audio. I'm not sure which one exactly since I don't own one. But any kind of compression by definition destroys some part of the audio. So in that way, it's not a whole lot different than what low smoothing and boosting your sensitivity/volume is doing. In fact, before the SP01 came out, I posted about just such a thing on that old 4umer forum and how you could emulate such an idea with threshold and volume controls.

The bottom line to me is that those settings are there for a reason and a place. Where we happen to be is a particularly noisy place. And people should not be afraid to use a setting (or hardware like sp1) or say they never will use it, if the results are more gold and less headache.

That is after all, one of the principal design concepts of the 6000 from what I can tell based on the limited info we have.

I agree with you Jasong.

I tried various boosters and did not find any difference that I could not replicate by using the settings.

The settings are there and I use them...

And all of the extra wiring is a real pain! The detector is wireless and I like it that way!

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On 1/29/2021 at 10:59 AM, strick said:

Thanks for that info as I'd never heard of it before...where does it come from? 


"That info" being Geof's mention of 2^6 = 64 times as much power to double the depth.  On page 4 of the current thread -- right at the top, Steve provides a link to another forum thread where depth improvements, etc. were discussed.  On page 2 of that thread there is a post by Rick Kempf where he quotes Dave Johnson and then links to an interview with Dave and John Gardiner from which Rick grabbed the quote.  I repeat that link here:




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I just read this entire thread for the first time.  I read it backwards!  There is a lot of information here for my pea brain to absorb.

Thanks Jasong.  If I was out and about I'd show up and let you use the 15x10.  I don't know how I can get it to you now.


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