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Anyone Using The Severe Ground Setting On The GPZ 7000?


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2 days ago I was hunting in some very red iron mineralized soil giving off a lot of interference. Occasionally I tried the "difficult ground" setting but felt like I was missing targets. Later, back in "normal" I was hearing a medium/ soft target and switched back to "Difficult" but could not hear the target. Back in normal, I dug down until the target was real clear, again switched to difficult and was really surprised because I still couldn't hear it. It was a lead fragment.

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I've used the Severe setting in Victoria, on an ironstone outcropping, that was shedding down a gentle slope. 

Any of the Difficult settings were not giving much joy. Severe handled it like a charm. 


Severe still has a lot of sensitivity, but you do sacrifice a little depth over HY/Difficult, but in areas where it is called for (not too many), then I wouldn't be shy to use it. 

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I have found that running in General/Difficult tames magnetite ironstone extremely well and retains much more depth and sensitivity than hunting in Severe.

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It's kinda like Sensitive Smooth, a setting I will only use as a last resort and only if I already know there is gold there.


I've tested it on a lot of dug and undug nuggets and it loses sensitivity on all sizes of gold, not just small stuff.


Like Lunk, I find General/Difficult works for the worst stuff in AZ (I use low or even high smoothing when the ground itself gets bad enough too), just gotta power through the noise and get the Shoe Goo out for the rock kicking.

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