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Air Detectors Now Being Sold

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Here's some specs from Serious:

Technical specifications:

● Battery: 900 mAh

● Coil size and type: 9.5 inches/DD

● Coil battery life: 10-12 h

● Frequency: 7.5 kHz

● Metal detector type: IB VLF

● Signal processing: Digital

● Wireless module: Bluetooth 4.0

● Wireless connection distance: up to 30 ft. (10 m)

● Coil updates via Bluetooth

But at $450 it seems a little pricey.

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But it also has Cool Features:

Cool features:

● Completely wireless. No messy wiring to deal with!

● Bluetooth 4.0 allows for simultaneous connection of your smartphone, headphones, and smartwatch.

● Multitone support generates different sounds for different metals.

● Lightweight foldable design. Take your detector everywhere!

● App Integrated Tutorials for easy learning.

● Advanced Metal Discrimination Algorithm. Find your gold and ignore the rest!  Preset programs for coins, large treasures, beach detecting, etc.

● Pin-pointer mode. Locate your treasure with up to 0.5-inch precision!

● Ground Balance Auto Adjustment Algorithm: increase your sensitivity up to 30% in complicated soils

● Magnet port for easy coil charging.

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It sounded like an awesome idea when I first heard about it, but there are so many problems with trying to make an app that will work perfectly and the same across all available cell phones platforms and models. I think XP has a huge jump on wireless technology for detecting, but even they haven't successfully developed a phone app. I think the phone detector is still a little way out there yet.

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7 minutes ago, CPT_GhostLight said:

I think the phone detector is still a little way out there yet.

Yeah, it seems that way. I think another factor is that so many people get new phones every few years (if not every year).

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4 hours ago, CPT_GhostLight said:

● Advanced Metal Discrimination Algorithm. Find your gold and ignore the rest!  Preset programs for coins, large treasures, beach detecting, etc.

Here we go again....  Unless 'your gold' is a general term for 'good targets'.  Kinda suspiciously worded if that's the case, though.  Seems like this group is in over there heads.  I just wish SeriousDetecting had been more serious on their vetting this product.

So if the user has to provide the control pod, how is $450 a good deal, even if it's on par with the Teknetics Omega, for example (and that seems like too much benefit-of-the-doubt from what's been shown so far)?

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Does seem pricey especially when the Simplex and other machines are out. The magnetic contacts for charging is something XP should have done ages ago. 7.5khz is a descent frequency for a sf machine though.

Would think it would be much less $$$ since the control box is the phone.

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I’d pay a small fortune for it if it were a top performer, and the UI and graphics potential for a cell phone app based platform seem endless, but unfortunately AMD dropped the ball, so right now machines like the Simplex and Vanquish are far better deals and far better performers. I think Chase was right when he said it will end up a Sky Mall novelty for those who know nothing about metal detecting. Once their machine got into real users hands their claims and demos quickly fell apart and they couldn’t manage the damage control even as the units were dripped out to people who really wanted things to work out and invested early. How they got serious detecting to take it on is a real mystery. They literally won’t sell Bounty Hunters and there are Bounty Hunters that will wallop this product.

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AMD elicited a rare eye roll from me when having fallen miserably short of their promise to meet or exceed the performance of machines like the Garrett Ace 400 and Minelab X-Terra, they nonetheless now say their next run will compete at the highest levels of the industry, XP and so on. Anything is possible I suppose, but if all we have to go on is their track record it seems like they’ve forgotten about even trying to hit the ball, dropped the bat and started running the bases straight to home plate. 

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