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Reports On MX Sport Firmware Update - Post Here

Guest Paul (Ca)

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I think we are all anxious to hear your report back when you get a chance to check it out.  I am sure they gave it a good going over before they let it out the door.


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Well sit back because today you will get the rest of the story. Now mark this down being it all happen this week.

On Tuesday Tom at White's Tells me he will ship my MX Sport out that day with UPS using 2 day air. What can I say but thank you. I get a e mail from UPS saying they have 2 boxes for me and I'll get it Thursday. I didn't early say anything about the other box that White's was going to send me that had the 9.5 concentric coil in it.I wanted them to just exchange it for 10 DD but Tom said no we'll just give it to you. Being as humble as I am I said thank you again.

I waited all day for my detector to come and at 7:45 in the evening it was here. No No No I was wrong I just had one box but not the one with mt MX Sport. You may think that Superman is fast but he is nothing on leaving your house as a UPS Guy is. UPS was gone and even my wife look at the box asking is your detector in that small box.. Right away I get a number for UPS. Well I call them and believe this are not but they tell me White's put a stop on the box say # 1. They didn't know why other than White's wanted it back.

.That Thursday I PM Tom and told him what UPS said and I gave his my cell number too. The next morning  little after 10 Texas time I get a call from Tom. He too couldn't believe it. This time he was eating humble pie telling me how sorry he was. I told him he didn't do it but I'd like to know who and why. We talk again on Friday and he said it would take too long to get my detector back and reship it. He told me that he would over night a new MX Sport to me. Well it was my time to eat humble pie and again I said thank you.

Here it is 10 AM Saturday and my door bell rings. I walk out and of all things the UPS guy was still sitting there but by my door was brand new MX Sport metal detector. Don't never say it's not a God are White's Electronics and above all I want to remember how TOM made it all happen.

In the other box was the concentric coil a black bag to carry it all in. I also had  the 6 x 10 coil and a MX Sport cap. I ask Tom about the 6 x 10 being I have one already and said I can do with what I want. Well I'll tell you right now it will go back and the extra headphones too. I got the extra shaft with this detector but I think I've been humble enough.Haha Your right it's  not going back.

I took out two sports that was me and my MX Sport detecting. I wanted to go to this school ground but a ball game was going on. I hunted a short time at another school in front and the first thing I got a hit on was a quarter the next was a penny. The MX Sport ran smooth and you need to be ready to dig deeper than ever before.

I need more time detecting but just on the little I seen today I can't help but like it..

This has been a trip but thanks to people like Tom who works at White's all is well at Chuck's house.


.   . 

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Oh yes John that is the first thing I done and it went to 8. I'll report more as time goes by and test the other coils.


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7 hours ago, Ridge Runner said:

I need more time detecting but just on the little I seen today I can't help but like it..

Looks like you weathered the storm Chuck.  You know the old saying, bad luck comes in 3's, hopefully the bad luck is done with you for a while.  I'm glad Tom was there for you to keep things moving along.  White's ought to be glad they have someone like Tom looking out for their customers!


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I'll check it all out in time and thanks for the heads up on someone else problem.. You know the trouble I was having pinpointing with the other detector well that's not the case with this one.


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 I am thankful for having Tom in my corner but myself standing alone it's no telling how long it could have been.

Old saying Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Some may not know this but you tell a horse age by it's teeth..


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8 hours ago, Ridge Runner said:

Some may not know this but you tell a horse age by it's teeth..

That is true with horses and they do can do that with deer and Elk as well but they go lookin in my mouth they might mistake me for a baby with a big head.  And they might be half right :biggrin:.

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8 hours ago, Ridge Runner said:

Some may not know this but you tell a horse age by it's teeth..

That is true with horses and they do can do that with deer and Elk as well but they go lookin in my mouth they might mistake me for a baby with a big head.  And they might be half right :biggrin:.

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