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Epic Hunt That Almost Wasn't

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As a pipe smoker, I really appreciate the tamper. I’m still hoping for a Large Cent. Very nice.

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Hell yeah Chase!   Those are some awesome finds for an abbreviated hunt.   Actually those are some awesome finds for an all day hunt too! Lol.  If I’d have found that pipe tamper I’d still be scratching my head trying to figure out what it is.  Thanks for posting!

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Congratulations on absolutely killing it, and for the kind words about me. ? I have a lot to learn still, and am grateful to have a person/friend close enough with as much knowledge as you. Guess I'm lucky that way too! ?

I'm out of likes, but will get back to some of the comments.

As we've seen, the Deus is an incredible machine, and with skill, fiddling and patience you can really make it even more incredible. The only luck involved is getting both a place to use it, and getting your coil over the good stuff. It is not only the lightest detector to use making it a great machine for the retired ? but it is also the most configurable by far IMO. You can literally make it like any other SMF detector out there if you want, and if you're used to other XP models you can have that too. Updates will only make it phenomenal.

It's both a blessing and a curse for some, but the more I use it, only a blessing for me. 'nuff said ?

You really searched that place well, I could see the Culpeper and PA (and others) experience in how you handled it. ?I got what I hit, and going over where you were showed me you did the same ? we were on equal ground and you showed your experience. I'm humbly aware I saw you at your best!

It's gonna be even more of a challenge the next time, but there is a lot more there for sure. We'll have to wait for next year for the other half, but it will be worth it. That and actually going straight to the objective instead of circling it ?

I'm all about experience, emulation and assimilation. Lots more to come. ? Thanks for coming down!

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When you both hit a farm to hunt you both always kill it.

Great finds as always from that hunt and I hope you more luck on your next.

As always stay safe out there.

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That large cent is in great shape. Throw the ring in the tumbler for a couple hours and you may get a surprise. Nice hunt fellas. 


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