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Gold Found With QED


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Great finds...I had a chance to get away from the Site where i was working at the time, this place was on the road to Ganes.. I parked my truck grabbed my gear and took about 20 steps, the drone was so loud the mosquitoes so thick, i ran back to the truck and drove back to the site. Just wasnt into losing some blood that day

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10 hours ago, mn90403 said:

Still raining after all these months?  I suspect then there is ground saturation down at least a foot.

When I was there it was very wet and there were puddles all over Bendigo and a few other places but you could dig down 4 inches and be into dry dirt that was dusty.

You've had a pretty good go at it.  I suspect you can't stay much longer unless you get Reg a different vehicle.  He said people watch where he goes and they would soon be on to you and your gold.


Good to hear from you Mitch. It's impossible in this day and age to keep a new gold area quiet for long. The trick is to leave as little as possible, but nobody or nothing gets it all - - -

At least Reg and I can legitimately claim to have discovered an entirely new Victorian detectable gold field three years ago - one that not even the "Old Boys" picked up on, despite a few desultory test holes - and has now resulted in many ozs in our kitty, plus an unknown amount to the newcomers, with the final extent of it still to be prospected up.

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16 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

What you need to do is metal detect in an Alaska summer with long daylight, so 12 hours detecting, in pouring rain, with mosquitoes so thick you can't breath without a head net, in thick brush full of bears. Maintain your concentration day in and day out while digging deep nails for a few weeks straight, and anything else is a piece of cake!

The funny part is I kind of miss it. No place like home.....

You reminded me of George Burns and this song of his: 


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14 minutes ago, fredmason said:

melancholy, a little sad but too true-at least physically...

When I saw him do that performance (on TV), I was 27 years old.  I thought it was funny then.  Perspective (and emotion) has changed in the last 39 years.

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I had to laugh GB as I am not quite there yet! In fact, my post got me to thinking. Once I find my new mate for my Equinox, QED or....??? then an Alaskan adventure may be in order. I can drive up and go to a dozen places I always wanted to go where there is gold and I have never detected on the road system alone, and that's just off the top of my head. Were I willing to invest in some bush plane time my prospects are essentially unlimited. I am going to be thinking that over hard. I am not done with Alaska yet by a long shot. There really are a bunch of places I always wanted to go and never got around to and that's kind of crazy. Alaska still has many opportunities for somebody like me with as many connections as I have up there. And yes, the conditions I was describing are not an exaggeration at all so it's not for everyone. I never could get JP to Alaska just over the bears! :laugh:

Equinox with 15" coil believe it or not would be one of the most effective tools possible in Alaska. Due to ground cover issues 99% of the detecting up there takes place in old mine workings/tailing piles. Deep trash abounds and digging two foot plus holes all day for nails and deeper for cans etc. really is the norm with a large coil PI. A good discriminating VLF with a large coil has actually been the better solution for many locations in Alaska. However, Alaska is HUGE and so mineralization is all over the map, literally. There are places a good, lightweight, easy swinging PI type machine would be a real plus. The QED for example would be very good for many places in Alaska where there is mineralization but rarely ever anything so bad as Australia or Northern California. A lower cost unit than GPZ is a plus also... I really worried my last trip about my truck being broken into and the GPZ stolen.

I have the Equinox and so am set in that regard. Now just waiting to see what happens before next year with PI type options. But I can see another month plus trip to Alaska happening next summer or 2021 latest.

I would only go back to 18 if I could take what I know now with me. My 20s were a real sh*tshow I would not want to live over without knowing what I know now. I am way happier in my 60s than I was back then.

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3 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

I had to laugh GB as I am not quite there yet!

NP, Steve.  It's fun to speculate on what could have been.  The reality is that we can't step back.  We either move forward with optimism or deteriorate in our reminiscence.  In 1980 (just after the peak of precious metal prices and still in the boom) I strongly considered going up to AK to search for gold.  But I had no bankroll and little knowledge.  I took the easier (but probably also wiser) route of working in the lower 48, eventually going back to school and a new career.  I chose a satisfying path.  In fact we only get one choice when there are many routes to choose from.  If I had come to Alaska I would have missed out on all the enjoyable things that did occur.

I'm glad to see you still have the strength and enthusiasm to give it another go.  If I were you, though, I wouldn't wait until 2021.  I'm not yet shopping for rocking chairs myself.  Too many choices/paths to still take!

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9 hours ago, fredmason said:

melancholy, a little sad but too true-at least physically...

I would not relieve all those mistakes again!


And if you are physically OK the Wife is not and when the Wife is OK and ready, You got a good chance that you are not. Growing old may give you wisdom but that not all you need. :sad:

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