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That is a good article - I am finding that the numbers he lists correspond pretty closely to the kinds of numbers I am getting on the So. Cal. beach I am testing on. Anyone else from So. Cal. have numbers that are close to the article?

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1 hour ago, flakmagnet said:

That is a good article - I am finding that the numbers he lists correspond pretty closely to the kinds of numbers I am getting on the So. Cal. beach I am testing on. Anyone else from So. Cal. have numbers that are close to the article?

Pretty much what I got last week at the beach in Ventura. All my finds had been there some time and were a result of getting a bit of erosion from the storm. The VDI's really didn't waver all that much and I knew after a bit exactly what I was digging. I didn't score any jewelry so I can't say where they will hit at.

Unfortunately most people love to hate a winner especially nowadays. ML put out a machine that pretty much everyone has been asking for years in terms of weight, waterproof, ability and price and it's still not enough. When people start threads on other forums telling you all the reasons why they wouldn't buy an equinox before they were even released tells you all you need to know.

Personally I love it. The last thing I want to see at a beach near me is someone swinging an equinox who got there ahead of me. I hope no one buys another one and they all gather dust on the shelf.  

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Skate, I agree. It doesn't take a lot of time with the Equinox to know it's a very versatile and highly sensitive detector. I don't know it well - yet, but I have never just grabbed a detector, turned it on, and felt as though I wasn't going to miss much if the coil goes over it, even if I didn't know it as deeply as I want to.

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15 minutes ago, flakmagnet said:

 I have never just grabbed a detector, turned it on, and felt as though I wasn't going to miss much if the coil goes over it, even if I didn't know it as deeply as I want to.

This is the key point. I got my deus turned it on and I was lost even though I had watched Gary tell me everything. That's not a knock on gary at all just that the deus requires so much from the user to work. While it is helpful to know how to detect, the equinox would work for my wife who has never detected in her life. All I'd need to tell her is when you get a tone and the screen reads 29-31 dig it because it's probably a quarter. You couldn't do that with a deus, CTX or Etrac for that matter. 

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