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Park 1 Or Park 2 For High Conductors??

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  I haven't been able to hunt with my Nox 800 much in the last 8 weeks and only hunted with it a few times when I first got it. So I'm sitting on the sidelines until we get the house ready to sell. What is the consensus on high conductors, Park 1 or 2? Since many out there are getting in the field much more than I, what's your experience on deep silver and copper?  If this has been answered before, a link to the thread would be appreciated, thanks..

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The super short story is Park 2 “sees” smaller stuff better than Park 1. That includes coins on edge, which detectors generally perceive as a small item. My personal belief is that Park 2 is the higher performance option but also the noisier option. I therefore tend to use Park 1 myself. Others prefer Park 2. I think the case can be made for either but like all things detecting it just depends on the person and the location.

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I use park 2 because I have very trashy parks and it seems to unmask the coins better. All things are a trade-off.....park 2 is a bit more challenging to use in trashy conditions. I see a lot more one-way signals and complicated signals but they usually wind up being something good. Suprising how many coin spills I have found with this detector- it separates better so I get diggableTIDs where I believe other detectors that have gone over the same spill just averaged everything into a TID that would indicate junk.

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Flbchbm, very interesting point. "... I get diggableTIDs where I believe other detectors that have gone over the same spill just averaged everything into a TID that would indicate junk..."

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Staffydog, I know you heard my response to you on another forum but for the benefit of folks here, this is my take:

Once again, this time with feeling.  This not demonstrating a problem but actually demonstrating exactly how the "1" and "2" modes should behave.  There is nothing problematic about the "2" modes hitting harder on the smaller profile presented by an on edge target than the "1" modes. With their higher frequency weighting they are DESIGNED to do precisely that as they are tuned to hit harder on mid conductors and small conductors of any type vs. their lower frequency Park 1/Field 1 high conductor favoring counterparts. If you are afraid of missing the odd edge-on coin, then by all means hunt in Park 2. Of course, the tradeoff is losing a tad bit of depth performance on non-edge-on high conductors. "Fixing" this actually screws up what the detector was designed to do.  Perhaps there is some tweaking that can be done, but frankly, I personally don't consider it broken and dread what may end up broken if ML attempts to "fix" it.


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