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Chinavasion Metal Detector

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Steve, Gold Hound, Adam:

Nature placed some of us here and we don't have to run away but see how we could make things work. I know that many brutality and dastardly acts have been committed all in the name of trying to make some money out of innocent expatriates but its not enough to conclude that its a "no go area". Many places are still safe. I pray things will get better for me on this project and I will be glad to invite all of you to come and partake of the development that is deeply needed in my continent-Africa.

For now, what is most important to me is the invaluable and unquantifiable information that I get from all of you. I am so glad that I joined this forum.

Thanks to all of you!

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My little sister i'm going to visit in Reno has been married to a native man from Ghana for 10+ yrs, his names solomon and i love the guy, she just got back from 8 months there with he children while salomon stayed in Reno. He works for CAT building their machines from the ground up . She was helping finish the construction of their new house and acclimating the kids to the habitat for an extended time. She has been back and forth many times over the years and has never had anything to bad happen, she loves it. She's a social anthropologist that hopes to relocate their after the kids are out of the house at which time she's going to build a women and kids center. I'm very proud of her and give it to her for being able to travel so freely and experience so much - she just hit 30. But i have different views and opinions - the beauty of diversity in nature.

I on the other hand couldn't of done it. The entire time she was there this last time the ebola was raging next door and she wasn't worried at all. I was. I'd have came home immediately. As for the rogue type governments id like to say id not worry but id be scared shitless. Much of it comes from me growing up nestled in the mountains and never having found need to leave, another part is the comfort that we americans take in our easy lives and stable government. I have the curiosity but also the for sight that it kills the cat i guess. Thats why i'm known as a realist.

Great to be able to help though Kenny and i wish you the best of luck and life.


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Yes we are Kenny, and I'm thankful for our freedoms and the sacrifices our solders have and continue to make to keep it that way. My sister hopes to spread such security and democracy to your continent to. Thats what i was getting at in my last post. I'm intrigued by many places in the world and love to learn of other cultures and bioms but I rely on our secure and comfortable lives to learn and build my character and i'm unable to brake myself from my box. Fortunately i was born in one of gods greatest areas here in N.California and have never found a reason to leave. Its one of lifes fears that i will comfortable live with. Once my sis lives in africa i may go there but this will be awhile in the future, and i'm sure i'll still be fearful.

I deeply enjoy this thread  Kenny thanks for joining the forum.


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I love the adjective used, "sacrifice". That's what I always say to my brothers and sisters here. In fact, today I still told a friend of mine that resides in Australia that all that we need is "sacrifice". In our case, it is something that must come from everybody not only the soilders.

I have an undying believe that we will get there no matter what time it takes.

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Please what is the right answer to give the sales person for the gold detector shop.

He is asking me the below question,

What version of the gold bug do you want?

This is after I told him that I want the Fisher Gold Bug Pro DP.


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I think Africa is like early days Australia. There is so much surface gold even VLF detectors clean up. There was a lot of gold found with VLF detectors in Australia in the 1980s and the detectors were not even as good as what we have now. Eventually the easy stuff will be gone, and then the PI detectors will be more a necessity than an option.

Would be exciting to relive the 80`s as we did in OZ, all over again in Africa today, but this old codger is very content to have had the privilege of participating in those 80`s. No way to know but I have a feeling, more gold was got with those ancient vlf`s in those 80`s than the PI`s in 2000`s in OZ. Certainly not knocking the PI`s or what we have now fellows, embrace our new tech tis magic. Go our ZVT`s.

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