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Treasure Depot is shutting down tomorrow.

Detector/Prospector may get an influx of people wanting to join, to trade and sell detectors.

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Disagreements are free, grudges cost a lot.  Good on you Steve. Hopefully we get some new members to share with. I always welcome new thoughts and ideas.

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Alas socially media sites like say FaceAche are gradually killing off the older detecting sites and in 5 years or so only a few forums will be still around.Detecting forums have either got to adapt or be more specialised and then they have a much better chance of surviving.

Detectorprospector i think will be one of those that will survive for sure,one of my favourite forums infact one of only a couple that i still post on.

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Facebook seems to be made up of 60% Voyeurs, spies, gossipers, vanity, trouble starters, keyboard warriors, and keep-up with the Jones' types. There's a bunch of good to it, but a lot of unnecessary BS. I mainly use it to keep in contact with family myself.

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4 hours ago, phrunt said:

This site is like an encyclopedia of detecting information, Facebook can never match that.  If I have a query or want to know about a  detector or how to do something I google it and more often than not the search result turns up DP forum with a bunch of useful information on my query.  Social media doesn't work that way, I'd never even think to use Facebook or another of those new nosy websites to learn something.  I call them nosy as they seem to be more about seeing what people are doing than they are about information.  "Oh I went out for dinner, here is a photo of my meal, and the waitress and the table we sat at, and so on and so on". I don't care about that stuff.

I have seen so many use FB as their own personal diary. It’s irritating. Anyway it could have potential with the right layout and rules, I suppose. But there’s too many ways for persona non grata’s to get your information.

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5 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

A forum serves a different purpose - long term accumulation of organized information, that Facebook simply cannot equal

Amen to that!

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