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Everything posted by klunker

  1. Norvic. I will, because of my generous nature, give you Lat. & Lon. to save you years of prospecting frustration. Lat -82.863151 Lon. 134.999480 I do expect a bit of a percentage. And keep it to yourself.
  2. Three days of missing lunches. My dog had a guilty look on his face but he pointed to Paul. Paul had a satisfied grin on his face but implicated my dog. This mining business gets tougher all the time. There is so much more involved in a small operation like this than what most prospecting enthusiast know. There is a lot of hard work to be done before you move equipment in and start digging. The failures far out number the successes.
  3. The Pacific continental plate is colliding and and scraping against the North American continental plate which has a tendency to crack and break things as evidenced by faults and the creation of the Sierra Nevada mountains. Thus the hot juices from way down deep below us have places to ooze up and bring mineralized solutions with them. These minerals seem to like to precipitate out of these solutions when thy are in contact with Quartz- which we have lots of. The Quartz gets beat all to heck by the weather but the gold , being malleable, holds together and makes nuggets. Dang it all!! Where's Chris Ralph when I need Him?
  4. I just got in from work so I'm too tired for a smart a-- reply or some bad British jokes so I'll just say howdy and I look forward to some good stories and a photo or two.
  5. Be careful what you wish for. It's fun when it pays. I can fix you right up.
  6. I offered to leave the key in mine while you where shopping so it only seems fair that--- oh, never mind. Ya done good.
  7. 1515art; I think you where smart to walk on that one. The newer Jeeps are nice (compared to my old CJ5) but everyone around here seems to have premature failures with alternators, water pumps, brakes,power steering pumps------- I leave the key in mine if you need to barrow it.
  8. Yes I have. I used 18" of coat hanger wire, bent 90 degrees at 6". It swung around toward my gold tooth and poked me in the eye. The above is an official Klunkers' Welcome To The Forum. Years ago an outfit called Heathkit sold one but I have never heard of any other home built. If any body on the planet knows of one it will be Mr. Herschbach.
  9. Dang. I was having a good day until I read Js post .GPR isn't going to work for nuggets. now I'm horribly depressed. However It appears WWIII has been narrowly avoided and that makes me feel a little better.
  10. Thanks FM. Please note my above post has been edited.
  11. This could be just the thing for a lazy prospector like me. I would assume that the price for a prospecting variant would be very reasonable if the R&D has already been paid for. Dang! It looks like my sarcasm has dripped onto my keyboard once again. One the serious side, (yes I have one) their specifications sound like a prospectors dream.
  12. And never use all your baskets for one egg. Right now any "investment" that I couldn't live in, eat, drive, or hold in my grubby little hand or find with a detector- would make me nervous. Disclaimer: I aint no phynanchal Jeenyus.
  13. Insert plastic gold pan comments here*_______________________________________________________________ ! *snide remarks, foul language, condescending attitudes and veiled insults not allowed. The art of gold panning is still an important part of prospecting and will be for a long time to come. Thanks Steve.
  14. Beware! Sourdough Scott is like an old sow bear. When he starts gathering an extra large amount of berries it means a hard cold winter.
  15. In the interest of keeping thus forum well balanced; RR! Whats the matter with you?
  16. I love seeing Robs' finds from the beach. Not that I'm into jewelry but it keeps him occupied and means more nuggets available for me up here. I am looking for the nugget Rob claims he lost. described as " a fairly large small nugget, yellow in color, very crystalline with some quarts but the nugget has been lost for a while so the quarts may be gone and the nugget might have worn smooth. Nice work Rob.
  17. He must be using Steve's "insanely hot settings" because he is obviously missing the small gold.
  18. I dunno IP. Seems like losing a journal would be the perfect excuse to go back and write a replacement.
  19. Rob; I lost a ring a while back. Let me know if you find it. My initials are 18kt. The nuggets up here are feeling a little left out.
  20. I'll send him a huge plastic rattle snake and a bottle of catsup. He'll have to learn his own bleep bleep bleeping cuss words. But I could probably teach him a few.
  21. If you would mix in a rattle snake some poison oak and have the wife bop you severally when you got home this would be an exciting story. But I never embellish my stories either.
  22. The only thing I'm good at is being bad. If one or two certain guests show up this week end I might get some photos posted of the depth enhancer system.
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