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Everything posted by kac

  1. Coin or emblem maybe. Platinum would be pretty clean. My guess silver.
  2. Wonder if that was a decorative cap to something. Might have had a back that is missing similar to a 2 piece button. Cool finds, did better today than I did. Only got some clad and mosquito bites.
  3. Copper pennies are usually 72-78 depending the year and ground, some the spots puts them below a zincoln which are 63-66 if i remember my id scale right on that machine. This was with the Multi Kruzer in normal mode (same id across frequencies). The Gold Racer does pretty well in that ground but lacks depth due to the high frequency and small coil. The river is tidal in that area so I also don't want to get any salt on that machine.
  4. IH's were 1903 and 1892. The 03 almost looked like gold at first and had a low number 60's. Not sure why the drastic color difference, maybe one is bronze and other is brass? Musket ball is fairly small so think it might have been from a pistol. Tons of lead as you see in the pic. Buddy picked up what looked like a ct coin further down stream towards the short I may have skipped over but it was in rough shape.
  5. I have the stock 7x11 Nokta coil on my MK and find it works incredibly well in high trash areas. It is very sensitive to small targets. I think Nokta would have better service if you need warranty work where the Nel and Cors might be difficult. I had inquiries over 2 months to Nel and never heard a peep back. Not sure if Mars is better or not.
  6. Did a quick run over at the river bank and was able to pick out a couple Indian heads, 1903 and 1892. Also found a small musketball. Numbers are all but useless on any machine due to the iron. Usually hunt by hear a target, take a scoop then re-sweep to see what you have because of the high iron in the ground. Some areas are pretty clean but of course there are rarely targets there.
  7. Well done. I wouldn't clean it any more than it is. How deep was it? Thinking you may have some fringe targets that may not give you the best numbers so go by the size of the sound, look for the whispers.
  8. They look like they have 8" concentric coils. That is a good size to drive those bottle caps down below nickels. Even an id system doesn't do a whole lot if you looking for jewelry other than looking for steady numbers.
  9. Yes mineral meter. Old oaks left areas that the meter hits 1/3-1/2 way up the meter and beyond the roots it drops to just a bar or less. I hit a school yard up the street that had a farm at one time. In that field there was a path with row of trees on either side. I tried to find the trees but looks like the whole area was backfilled by 3+ft of top soil on one end and foot near the parking lot. Came across some deep can targets I didn't dig but if there was anything old it was beyond the reach of my GR's coil. Did fine a couple bucks in pocket change I had missed with my other machines though.
  10. I always like the challenge of hunting iron infested areas. That is a good video and though I like all coil sizes to be similar it does show more of how the coils make a difference more so than the machines themselves, good overall look of what different people will run into with different machines. ID machines I look for an up tic on anything above the iron range but skip stuff that spikes the machine to the max range. Iron can bring a silver quarter's number down to a penny or even a pull tab but wouldn't put those numbers in near max or max on the scale. As you get smaller and lower conductors or 3d masking the target will get smothered over and may only produce an iron only signal but may be a small target relative to the id #. IE if you hear a small dime size target but it has the iron number of an ox shoe you may want to investigate. This is where I find a beep and dig to have an advantage not by technology but lack of. If I'm careful not to trim out the the fringe range than I am more likely to dig that target. Also I find a beep and dig to be more relaxing to hunt as I am not always trying to think so much hearing beeps, cross swinging over then and watching id's. ID machines I like to run with Iron audio on in a disc mode setting so I can hear what is under my feet and know if I should be paying more attention to iffy targets OR I run in all metal mode and listen to the variations in the ground. Old Iron here in the NE can have some big halos and the old square nails can obliterate many coin size targets.
  11. Did you try to set your first discrim to break on the iron? That usually helps me on my Tejon as iron will drag a target down so the result is you should get a beep out of it. You can also use your iron audio and when you hear a target, hit it at a couple different directions (set first discrim to 0, set the 2nd disc to break on iron). If the coil is too large the target may get smothered regardless.
  12. Wonder if the smaller ones were some sort of pins for rigging ropes. They look like some sort of eye loops that might have been fastened to decking. If your hunting iron you can always get a PI and dig everything from bobby pins and up 🙂
  13. That happened to me last winter, was a hollowed tree that fell, I had just dug a 2 cent at the end of it and got a strong signal near the middle but couldn't find it. Next run out I had cracked a coil on my AT Pro and went home. Last spring I went back and sure enough way down inside was a bunch of squashed cans. Got to admit they do sound good at times.
  14. I'm going to look on some old maps see if I can find spots that had trees that don't exist anymore and see how the mineraliztion in and also do some deeper searches around those spots. Granted in farms they would pull the tree stump out but around it might have something. Curious if the type of tree makes a difference too such as maples vs pines vs oaks.
  15. I was wondering why around the old oaks that were cut down why the mineralization was so high. Is it because the trees absorb the minerals in the area? If so then that could be a good indicator of where old trees once existed especially in open fields and parks and would be good spots to double check for targets especially deep targets. So keep an eye on the mineralization meter on your detectors.
  16. I never said it was old haha, did say it was silver :)
  17. Did a late run at the local park, was dark so I was just picking some obvious targets. One area had some very old trees that had been taken down leaving some deep roots and for some reason there is a good amount of iron where the old oaks were so I tossed the Gold Racer into disc 2, kicked the sensitivity to 85 and upped the id to 25 trimming much of the chatter out. Knew I had a dime but didn't realize it was a silver until I got home and dumped my pouch out. Few months ago I did pick out an 1906 IH that was in fair shape.
  18. That looks like it is in great shape especially being in the salt. Congrats!
  19. I have the Gold Racer with no apparent ports for the wireless module and Nokta doesn't show any module on their site so thinking Jeff and Goldpick might be right on the Ez Wander option. I got the Gold Racer over the Gold Kruzer for the 56khz vs 61khz. I feared the 61khz would give me problems with EMI in many of the areas I hunt as EMI is a big issue with most my detectors. So far the Gold Racer has been pretty much EMI proof in these areas. I plan on getting a larger coil for it which is also an issue as 3rd party coils for the Gold Kruzer are non existant and the 13x15 is just too big. I'll still wait to hear back from Nokta and if I need an external wireless option I'll most likely get a z-link with headphones and the carrot.
  20. Maybe the wired ones are just much less expensive so they use that to keep costs down. I don't mind wired headphones but they do become an issue if hunting in the woods. Saw a youtube video of paring the racer 2 to the green headphones and it had the same control box case as the gold racer that I have with no wired module sticking out that I could see. Would be nice if I was just doing something wrong when pairing but got a hunch they no longer have the module on later modules and think your right about the ez wander being the new way to make them work with the green headphones. Hopefully they will get back to me.
  21. So I have the Multi Kruzer and the Gold Racer, both use the same green wireless headphones. In the manual says I need a wireless module to connect the headphones to the Gold Kruzer. Problem is the case I have doesn't have a port on the side to plug a wireless module. There is no information on where to buy a module from Nokta for the Racer 2 and Gold Racer. I thought maybe they updated stuff and built in the wireless module but the headphones won't pair up to the Gold Racer. Did they just change the case so these machines can't use wireless headphones, discontinue the module and not update the manuals? I emailed support but haven't heard back yet.
  22. Any ring is still better than a pull tab :) Nice find.
  23. Have a lot of those out here in the NE, came out after the musket ball so mid 1800's? Up here they were used by hunters so there is tons in the old woods. Wash your hands good after handling them when they are white, that would be lead oxide which is poisonous.
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