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Valens Legacy

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Everything posted by Valens Legacy

  1. Thanks for the words of being safe as it really is a tough job to do and when anything starts to leak it can go from bad to worse. What dream were you talking about? Just kidding now, and we are thinking about going to Australia for about a month on business.
  2. One of these days I will be back out there with the detector, but it is getting to cold in Illinois to do anything now. The sub was being taken out of the water in rough waves and the crane operator didn't know what he was doing when he hit the side of the tender. The sub was damaged so bad they have to replace it as it won't go below 200 meters at best before it looses integrity and fails. The whole front end started to crack when I found the problem and fortunately was able to resurface in time.
  3. Work is just winding down in the Gulf and we are ready to store our equipment for the winter and go home for a while. This year we lost 1 of our inspection submarines that we use to an accident loading back onto the tender ship and fortunately no body was injured. Since it has been a long time metal detecting I decided to go on a hunt as KAC had told me to do. I made it to the beach and started my search for some nice items, when shortly I came across a beautiful, a large diamond ring with almost 2 karat diamond laid upon it, and was surrounded by 18 k gold. The next item I had come across was a man’s ring in the form of nuggets with a small diamond in it. Then came a heavy gold chain that Mr. T would be proud of as it was 14k and almost wide as a pencil. Later as I thought the day was starting to end, I came across a pair of earrings with some of the nicest diamonds I had seen. Another 14k gold post and band held everything together. I started to hunt near the stairway to the beach when I noticed a dog wandering around where I had been hunting and to men walking behind it. They shouted at me and I really couldn’t make out what they were saying so I waited for them to get closer. The dog came to me and was playing with my pants leg when they got near me and they told the dog to leave me alone. They asked me what I was doing and I replied that I was on the beach hunting for items. One of the men asked me if I had found anything and I pulled out my bag and showed them what I had found. Their eyes were wide open and almost in shock when they had seen what I had found. I asked them what they thought I would get for the items I had found and one of them said “3 to 5”. They took my finds and I asked for some pictures to put in my scrap book and they told me to have my attorney to request them for me. Kac, next time when you tell me to go on a hunt, make sure that you tell me to take my detector with me. Wish I could have been on a hunt this year, but work really had me busy. Maybe next year will be better.
  4. Looks like you have had some very nice hunts. Good luck on your next hunt.
  5. Repair shops can replace them fairly cheap should you want to keep it. Great find and wish you more luck on your next hunt.
  6. Glad to see that you are doing much better and I hope that you still do some exercises to strengthen your muscles. You never know just how much better you will feel when you do. Nice finds and glad your back, good luck on your next outing.
  7. Some people just has to be a turkey for showing all that gold, when nobody else is able to get out there. Happy Thanksgiving back at you, stay safe and don't eat to much.
  8. Nice finds for your first hunt with the Manticore and wish you luck while you learn more about it.
  9. Great job on the hunt, and I really like the hook pendant. Thanks for keeping all that lead from the fish, it seems if they had more of it they could be writing with their tails. Good luck on your next hunt.
  10. Great save and it is in good condition for your hard work finding it. Good luck on your next hunt.
  11. Great job for thinking outside the box and bringing home the gold. I just think if that if the ground was moved out of the way it would be so much easier to find. I know that some places won't allow heavy equipment in the area, so we just have to be patient and go slow. Good luck on your next hunt.
  12. I think that I would hate to wake up to that snow covered cabin while I was in it. You wouldn't be able to get to the firewood just outside the door.
  13. Nice going on the gold and it looks a little larger than some that you have been getting before. Good luck and stay safe out there on the ice.
  14. Welcome to the forum and we are glad to have you here.
  15. Great week your having and it couldn't happen to a nicer person. Good luck and stay safe out there.
  16. Congrats on the gold, nice looking ring to loose an glad that you saved it. Good luck on your next outing, and yes those courts are always a good producer.
  17. Very well written article and thanks for giving us some of your knowledge for rural farms. I think that you forgot to inform some people that you first have to get away from the big cities and get out to the country to find a farm. I know several people that think the country is actually a big park. Great article and looking for more to read from you. Take care and wish you a speedy recovery.
  18. John had posted a picture of the equipment you are looking for on a earlier post, and I can't find it for you. He showed the battery, the bilge pump, and the entire setup with some good pictures. Try looking at some of his past posts from about 3-4 months ago as I know I have overlooked it. He had links to the best prices and explained why he got those items. Good luck.
  19. Great find, did she send you the photo of her ring, because the one you found looks close to it but not quite the same. I hope that is the ring she lost and that she rewards you nicely for all your hard work on finding it. Good luck on your next hunt and stay safe out there.
  20. Very nice hunting with some great finds. Thanks for sharing the journey of the hunt and the pictures. Good luck on your next hunt.
  21. Great saves for the lady by a person that knows the area. I'm sure that when you go back there and do another search you will find the 4th ring. It could have went into the tree line or to the side of where you were searching because when you shake something from a towel they can go anywhere. Good luck and stay safe.
  22. Very nice finds in any case and they would be nice to hold up some business cards on a desk or even under a Christmas tree near a manger scene. Don't give up as the gold is on it's way to you.
  23. To help you heal faster get a tennis ball and squeeze it several times a day, that will help a whole lot. I had a shoulder injury and that helped me recover faster than anything. Sometimes I think that these doctors today just want to have people to keep coming back instead of getting them healed. Glad you were able to quit as I knew someone that refused to do so, he is been gone now for a few years from a car wreck while drinking. I don't know to many people that really like a drunk but that may just be me, because grandfather was drunk several times and that was enough for me to see. I have only been drunk 2 times in my life and it was never from the moonshine. I don't drink that much but when I do it has to be moonshine.
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