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Hello Everyone,

I asked permission from my friend Norvic to post some pictures of some species and other gems that he had sent to me out of the kindness of his heart.

I hope i got the pictures focused properly and you can see some of the detail a few of these have. The piece of native copper is my favorite i think.... what is yours?

Vic told me i could clean the copper piece up and put a coat of poly on it---but i am hesitant to do that--- i really like it as is....if you can zoom in well enough on my picture you and get a good look at the patina.

How about it,,, ? ---What do you all think, Should i clean it or leave her alone??? Vic say it really looks good all clean and shiny too----- but......... i love that color patina....

I would never have picked up the other things like agates and zircons---need to learn a little more on gemstones---maybe i could actually read that field guide in my truck console instead of just carrying it around!!!

 BTW, My heart seem to be doing great---way more energy than before---and I am almost sure that I am much more handsome than i used to be...... hahahaha

Anyway, I hope you all are well...


Some of you may recognize a couple of these...hahahaha

post-420-0-58378100-1439245231_thumb.jpg post-420-0-37168600-1439245264_thumb.jpg post-420-0-93451100-1439245339_thumb.jpg post-420-0-82171900-1439245401_thumb.jpg post-420-0-91521700-1439245438_thumb.jpg





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What did you promise to get that booty?


I hope you paid more than just the postage.


Remember everyone, we are hard on Paul because he is hard on himself too.  :)  He keeps wanting more and more ...



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What did you promise to get that booty?


I hope you paid more than just the postage.


Remember everyone, we are hard on Paul because he is hard on himself too.   :)  He keeps wanting more and more ...




Didnt pay anything Mitchel----- he just sent them to me.... i like the people on here!!!!


Of course i may have begged him for a place to camp when in OZ....hahahaha

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Back a bit I followed, Professor Hestor and watched how you folks and Paul helped get him detecting, then a later thread we were discussing the weight of the GPZ and I commented that I was having trouble with right arm & shoulder, next a hipstick turns up in the post compliments of Paul. Well that got me thinking, what can I do for Paul, not about paying back a debt or anything like that. I reckoned a few samples from OZ would "hit the spot" and give me a lot of pleasure as well.


Paul you are real "true blue", I wont try to explain that OZ saying, John Williamson (OZ C&W singer) does that in his song.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cohkaLM3AjQ


Camp spot here anytime, chuck a prawn on the barbie have a  xxxx or Fosters, bugger all Shielas, but plenty of kangaroos and wallabies.

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