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Patriot Vs Minelab Wp Headphones

NV AU Hunter

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Yup, I got my Tony Eisenhower waterproof headphones before any of the others were even available. Still using them!

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I will say this - the ML's were the second worst of the four WP headphones I tried from a sound quality standpoint.  The worst were Gray Ghost generic Amphibians with no volume control.  Tony E modified them to make them a tad better using his drivers but they were still not as good as his custom phones.  Did not try the Patriots.  I like the LS Pelsos which are hard to come by now.  They are waterproof, but designed to handle a dunking but not submerged detecting because they don't use Piezo drivers, but definitely loud and good for non-submerged surf work with wave and wind noise being attenuated pretty good.  I have only heard good things about Tony E's and the Patriot Phones - and they are both pricey.

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Joe Demarco makes a great set of phones--solid build, and unlike most of the others they can be heard underwater.  Worth every penny--being able to hear in 8' of water has gotten me a lot of gold.


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