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I believe fisher listened thou..... i think the first run was going to be in a BOX.   They put that off for a better design and as info came in tweaks were made..... it was very transparent..... something most companies dont do.  Im not sure about the marketing..... or if letting go to key marketing people have affected the outcome of this machine.  Time will tell if its that or the Virus issues.   I think what would have been a good move was to lift that ban on resales having no warranty.   This may have moved the machines around a bit more.   Its difficult to say if those chosen were chosen for the right reason as well.   Ive got 3 guys with them in my area and im getting about the same info from them all.   Mostly .... its a bit to noisy in the salt water.   Hopefully a smaller coil or the production model will change that.   BUT .... the guys seem to like it for use on the other side of the island where the water goes way out and there are fewer and deeper targets.   Im also hoping they add a battery much like Joes lith.   For years we have gotten machines tested by testers..... i think this is the first time we have had so much access to what testers think and the bugs a machine can have..... and the fixes.   Im still watching this machine and what small coil they put on it...... never know what might change with the production model.  This has been a long process or..... its seems to be just because we have known about it so long.

Personally id like to see them hold off on the production model and go digital getting away from the knobs and pots.

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I'd really like it if they made a non-waterproof version. That would bring the price down a bit and might even allow for a better longer warranty.

I also don't want to see any tweaks that might make it work better under water but at the same time hinder its performance on the wet sand.

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Supposedly I was on the list for a Limited, but there must not have been enough machines to go around?  At this point I have lost total interest in experimenting with the Limited.  However when/if the revised model is released, as a traveling shallow water treasure hunter, I'm all in!  For what it's worth: 


We currently have the Impulse Limited which does have a waitlist. The second revision of this model is scheduled for release in April of this year. That is all the information they’ve provided to me at this point.




Sales Support

First Texas Products

... just received this email response today: 2/1/21


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5 hours ago, Badger-NH said:

I'd really like it if they made a non-waterproof version. That would bring the price down a bit and might even allow for a better longer warranty.

I also don't want to see any tweaks that might make it work better under water but could hinder its performance on the wet sand.

For me, if I couldn't take it in the water, I would not want it. The occasional noise issue I have is interference, but it is limited to certain areas near certain beach front hotels and resorts. Many beach front buildings give it no problem. Where there is some interference the solution for me was to reduce gain and get further away. Sometimes further away means in the water.

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4 minutes ago, Cabo Chris said:

We currently have the Impulse Limited which does have a waitlist. The second revision of this model is scheduled for release in April of this year. That is all the information they’ve provided to me at this point.

Vague wording. Does that mean second revision of the Limited? Or does it mean the full production release version?

I know you are only the messenger, thanks for posting the e-mail you got.

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It's amazing how quickly one can pay for a dector with shallow water finds.  I study The Markets a bit and several Billionares are predicting silver at $100, gold at $3,000 and Bitcoin $220,000 this year!  Minelab Excaliburs have always found the most big gold and platinum for me in the sea, in the least time on treasure hunting vacations.  But in some conditions the Excal meets it's match (like in black sand) and over the years I have tried every waterproof machine old and new, looking for something to either beat or partner with the Excalibur.  The 3030 can't, nor the Equinox, BH TDI or ATX.  The closest was the Infinium, as I found both the Excal and Infinium loved big gold in the sea and made a good combo for conditions encountered.  But Garrett dropped the Infinium.  The NOX hits gold chains, but I gave up looking for small gold in the sea, because one must concentrate harder to hear every tiny signal, which mostly turns out to be junk.  I find more spending my time looking for bigger gold pieces.  (Hey ML, as I've mentioned many times... Design a more compact modern version of the Excalibur.  "WINNER!" I could offer my vision and what features not needed) 🙂

I sure hope an updated version of the AQ gets released this year.  Oh, I got excited about the NOX as a travel machine and managed to get one of the first available through Cabelas of all places!  The NOX is good and finds gold, but it's no Excalibur and 3 600s flodded on me in shallow water.

When I search for the AQ I've only looked at videos and to see if it's available.  I've really not read Limited reviews, but gather they're not glowing?  Like the NOX I was hooked on the claimed AQ abilities.  Have no idea if the hype is true, but can see how the AQ might find more gold.  At first I wanted the Limited, despite knowing it was "Limited".  I was hooked line and sinker.  I'm glad I didn't get one as 3' waterproof is questionable for me anyway.  I'm always looking for a better mouse trap and when/if the improved AQ becomes available, can't wait to get my hands on one!  Same for the AQ gold version!               

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All there is now is the Impulse AQ Limited. The final is simply Impulse AQ, and there is Impulse Gold. The email, my read is this would be the second version of the Limited, Impulse AQ Ltd Mark 2. Then people buy them and find bugs. They fix those. Then maybe you get the final version?

Or I am completely wrong and the final AQ is up next, but that seems a leap to me, given where the current model is at. If the next version is indeed the "final" version, I'll hang back until I can see what the Impulse Gold looks like. But that's me. We will see. Note that each model below is noted as being part of a "series."

From https://fisher-impulse.com/products/:



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4 hours ago, Cabo Chris said:

I've really not read Limited reviews, but gather they're not glowing? 

A few have not had the AQ limited work to their expectations in their conditions; others have had excellent results and love the detector. I'm not going to speak for or name others; I'm one in the latter category and do not see giving it up anytime soon. There are a number of posts here about the AQ. Please read through them and draw your own conclusions. I am finding it very deep on the mid range conductors and normally hunt it in all metal, but have on occasion found the discrimination modes (mostly mute mode) useful.

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