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Official Minelab GPX 6000 Page

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1 hour ago, orgone500 said:

Having the promo emails and GPX6000 page up and running on the Minlab website does this mean the gag order is cancelled @Jonathan Porter

Nope and TBH I’m over the whole process.

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8 hours ago, GotAU? said:

What are powerlines? 😄

OK, It’s quiet and light, that’s a given. I really can't wait for the report, it will be good when we get those here from the real users, just don’t take it over my digs!  😉

What do you yanks call the overhead wires that carry electricity😏

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2 hours ago, nugget said:

What do you yanks call the overhead wires that carry electricity😏

Most of the desert here has open areas easily detected for a lack of those, but they certainly do create areas that foil a good hunt wherever they occur. I like everyone else must then tend to go where they arent for it, but if the 6000 is truly effective and quiet underneath  powerlines as shown, it will open areas up and we can truly ignore them, hence “what are powerlines?”

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9 hours ago, jasong said:

If the DD performs really well in salt then a ton of Northern (and other parts) Nevada will be a renewed playground. :cool:

Also, people in some renowned "hot ground" areas in AZ will discover to be true what I've been saying for years but cannot seem to convince anyone of: some of the gnarliest hot ground down there is actually just salty and not "hot". Sometimes a little of both.

A person could easily tell salty and boron laden hot ground just by learning the type of plants growing in an area. Saltbush or shadscale, and iodine bush are good indicators of this, as they are the most salt tolerant shrubs in the Great Basin desert.

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2 hours ago, GotAU? said:

A person could easily tell salty and boron laden hot ground just by learning the type of plants growing in an area. Saltbush or shadscale, and iodine bush are good indicators of this, as they are the most salt tolerant shrubs in the Great Basin desert.

So now my staff/I am supposed to train customers:

on their detector. 

on the tools we use.

on the rocks we look for.

on the elevations we like to stay at.

on the kinds of gold our detector hits best at.

on the sounds to ignore/investigate.

on the way to properly recover the target.

on the way to tell lead/hot rocks/cold stones from gold.

on the way to staying in the zone/proper mindset.

but now we have to teach them plants???

Wait a minute.  I could of sworn the GPX-6000 had a video showing "How to become an Expert, just turn it on".

They don't need dealers anymore.  Cabela's, Amazon, Sportsman's, Target, Dick's and Walmart can do that.

I might as well start looking for a new job....


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Hey, Gerry do a deal with Klunker, I am sure you could get a partnership going helping him market his golden bird, plenty of downunder managers will be begging for employment once this rebadged Kiwi forces detectors into extinction.

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1 minute ago, flakmagnet said:


I’m cross checking within myself making sure I’m dividing the usual pre-release jitters of a product that I’ve been involved in for quite some time now and what is actually going on here, this release is very different to any release I have ever been involved in to the point of almost total exclusion. I understand about hold ups and marketing process, there are a million little things that need to be sorted along that stressful path to ramping up production and having adequate stock on hand, in parallel to that process the marketing guys have to get the word out and let everyone know what it is they have on offer, I get all of that. I also get that I’m not be needed this time round, that the product release is being managed differently and fair enough. 

But after watching some of the recent super crappy YouTube clips and having numerous people I know talking about how they held the detector at shows etc and others seeing it being used in various locations around the country I find myself asking WTF? 

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8 hours ago, GotAU? said:

Most of the desert here has open areas easily detected for a lack of those, but they certainly do create areas that foil a good hunt wherever they occur. I like everyone else must then tend to go where they arent for it, but if the 6000 is truly effective and quiet underneath  powerlines as shown, it will open areas up and we can truly ignore them, hence “what are powerlines?”

Ha,👍i was under the impression that you guys had a completely different term for powerlines.Derr my bad.

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