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Open Letter To Dimitar

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Dimitar I’ve been swinging a detector a lot longer than you are old and built my first detector from a kit in 65 .

 I made my introduction so you know you’re not dealing with some new kid on the block.

 I’ve been posting the need for a lot smaller coil than you make at this time. Your new 12” coil is truly a great as called a beast and on the beach are in a low trash it’s outstanding. I found out long ago a small coil in a high trash area will out shine any large coil.

 Aaron made a statement that you don’t see the need of a small coil anytime soon. I’m hopeful that I can change your mind are maybe your thinking that you do have need of a smaller coil.

 At one time all coils was round with the small ones was 5 are 6” until the elliptical come into play. It’s been found that the elliptical coil does have better separation with the tip able to reach in a tight place a round coil can’t get.

 I’ve been asking for a 10 X 5” coil and I’ll explain why I ask for this size coil. If you go to a wider coil you still get too many targets under it . The length is there to cover more ground in one swing is why I ask for 10” long. That narrow nose will get In places you never could before.

 I can’t promise you that you will sell a large amount of coils and like you did when you made the Tarsacci you gamble. I do believe it will expand the use of the Tarsacci and in turn increase your sales. I myself had different business over the years and I didn’t do it for my health. 
 This will be my last time to ask you for another coil. I have other detectors that I have elliptical coils The only reason I keep knocking at your door because it could make a great detector even greater.

 I hope what I’ve said here will be past on to you if you don’t read it yourself.

 The Best To You!


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I said I’d say no more but I’m willing to go you one better.

 I have a new Simplex 10 X 5” DD coil that has never been on the ground that I’m willing to send to you to trash out. In this way you have a housing to start. The shaft of both detectors is different at the coil but I can make it fit the Tarsacci by adding rubber washers. It also has a coil cover that fits great I can send with it if the need be .

 Just something else you may want to think about.




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 If you’re happy with what you got I’m happy for you. I think the beast coil like you said has great separation. I just want a small coil and I’m willing to pay for if I can get it made.

 If you look around you all detectors have different size coils to offer the customer and I don’t see any reason why Tarsacci can’t do the same.

 I’m not asking something for nothing. I’m willing to pay the price and even trash another coil to help this along.

 You wouldn’t have the beast coil now if people wasn’t asking for more.

 The Best!


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Chuck, I think one of the bigger issues is the R&D needed to develop such a coil. He is busy with his machines ( maybe a second generation Tarsacci ) as well as promoting, building and selling two other coils as well as the detector. He is only one man and, if I understand correctly, the Tarsacci was built around the coil, not the coil built for the Tarsacci. So it is a bit difficult to start over so to speak. That is one of the reasons it took nearly two years to put out a 12” coil. JMHO.

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In so many ways it comes down to dollars.  If he can’t sell a lot …. And he already knows how many machines are out there… then plain and simple he can’t produce it at a reasonable price.  There have been some good videos on how capable his coils are even with iron over or near good targets…. Now that’s separation.  So for the most part it might get limited uses compared to the other coils which serve both dirt and beach hunters.

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I always told my kids if they wanted something it didn’t hurt to ask. I may say no but sometimes I’d say yes .

 It’s the same here in I’m asking and if he says no that’s okay but who knows he may say yes .

 I’m offering a new DD coil housing to put the winding in . In this you don’t have to make it . If he says he wants another 2 are 3 hundred I still say okay. That coil cost me over a hundred that I’m offering to him to trash .

 I’m not asking for a handout but willing to pay my way all the way.

 I’d even plan that’s if I can get it made I would want Aaron to test it out.


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3 hours ago, Ridge Runner said:


 If you’re happy with what you got I’m happy for you. I think the beast coil like you said has great separation. I just want a small coil and I’m willing to pay for if I can get it made.

 If you look around you all detectors have different size coils to offer the customer and I don’t see any reason why Tarsacci can’t do the same.

 I’m not asking something for nothing. I’m willing to pay the price and even trash another coil to help this along.

 You wouldn’t have the beast coil now if people wasn’t asking for more.

 The Best!


Chuck - Midalake is NOT talking about the 12" beast coil, he is talking about the original 11x8" elliptical stock coil that was provided with the MDT.  I tend to agree with Midalake.  You keep talking about the 12" beast coil in comparison to your coveted 10x5. 

The fact is, there is not a lot differentiating performance and swing radius for the stock 11x8" elliptical which is already available for the MDT TODAY vs. the 10x5 you are clamoring for to make it a worthwhile accessory coil expense for those who already own an 11x8. 

Especially since Dimitar's profit margin is so slim due to the MDT's small but very loyal user base requiring a relatively high per coil asking price to recoup not only the material and manufacturing costs (including production line investments to accommodate the new coil form factor) but also his development investment (known as R&D - research and development).  The R&D expense is not about obtaining the material about which to wind the coil (your sacrificial Nokta coil hulk) but the computer based modeling and trial and error test optimization required to perfect the coil parameters.  Dimitar does not put out so-so product, he is a perfectionist that puts a lot of sweat, blood, and tears into his designs.

Keep asking, Chuck, no harm in that of course. But the simple economic math does not change the fact that from a business perspective there is not much of a case for Dimitar to embark on this endeavor because it will simply end up costing him money and time he is unlikely to recoup.

I mean even Minelab didn't feel it was worth the trip from a business perspective to invest in a 10x5 coil despite selling a bazillion Equinoxes (and having a bazillion users clamoring for the coil) despite having plenty of resources and let Coiltek take the plunge. 

The MDT has a microscopic user base compared to Equinox which just makes everything from the detector to the accessories higher priced just to keep Dimitar solvent and allowing him to innovate on non-mainstream detector concepts.  An additional accessory coil project for MDT as much as that might be attractive to many users, would just be a resource suck on Dimitar's operation from my perspective.  At this point I would rather have him thinking up a suitable, disruptive successor to the MDT rather than cranking out an accessory coil that is not all that different than the original stock coil, but that's just me.

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Chuck, I think your on the right track however I have agree w Chase,. If Dimitar decides to make a smaller coil it’s most likely going to be in the 6” round range. What I’d be questioning is weather it be concentric or DD? 
Please remember, the Beast coil was developed for the market that really used the TARSACCI the most, and requested it, the beach hunters. Now the tide has turned and many relic hunters are discovering the MDT is NOT just a beach machine, and,,,,actually a BETTER relic machine. 

Again, it’s all about the demand, as the R&D as already mentioned is,,,,trust me…..in the 5 figures. It’s gotta be worth it to Dimitar!


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 I’d be much surprised if he said yes he would make it. I didn’t think I’d get so much flack for expressing what I would like to have.

 If he does come out with a new Tarsacci that would be great for you that want one. I believe a new design Tarsacci could cost so much more than he’d want to spend at this time. That coil I want would be just a drop in the bucket on cost in comparison of a new Tarsacci.


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