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Sphinx 03 Pinpointer

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well keep in mind the Pro?-Find's depth drops when you enable discrimination, the Sphinx appears to lose no depth with it enabled, all my testing videos were with it enabled on the Sphinx and disabled on the Pro?-Find as the Minelab losing quite a bit of depth if you have it enabled.    My air test videos on various pinpointers all had the Sphinx 03 with discrimination enabled, and the Pro-Find with it disabled.

You also have to be pretty close to the target for the discrimination to work, that's similar on both of them although I think the Sphinx is a bit better.  

I really hope the 40 is a lot better than the 35 as the concept is great, the delivery was the problem.

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Wait until you see how long the battery lasts. it’s bonkers for a rechargeable. Very impressed with every aspect of this pinpointer compared to the competition. I can’t think of anything bad to say about it. Every other pinpointer is now just boring to me. 

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I'm honestly not sure, outside of Russia I can't find a dealer of them and sanctions mean Russian parcels can't be sent to our countries.  @pavelka72 is involved with them I believe, if not the creator of it so he may well be able to advise how to buy one, keep in mind you're essentially buying it with no warranty even though it's got 2 years as it would likely cost you as much to send it back as it cost to get it.  

A good pinpointer that's for sure, but something you'd only buy if you don't mind the extra expense and difficulty involved in getting one.

I think they need to find a dealer elsewhere to sell them and need to create an English app.  Until then it's probably not worth the effort and cost involved getting one unless you're a pin pointer addict ?

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I saw a Polish website where the Sphinx 02 is available to purchase.

I’m not sure of the differences between the two models.

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23 minutes ago, Tony said:

I saw a Polish website where the Sphinx 02 is available to purchase.

I’m not sure of the differences between the two models.

Thanks for the tip off, they could probably source the 03 and sell it, they use Paypal too so pretty safe.  @Shelton may know if they're a good dealer.

Sphinx Magnetic Pinpointer 02 - Omnitron - Wykrywacze metalu

The 03 is only new so perhaps they just haven't got any yet.


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10 hours ago, ☠ Cipher said:

Подождите, пока не увидите, как долго работает батарея. это помешательство для перезаряжаемой. Очень впечатлен каждым аспектом этого пинпоинтера по сравнению с конкурентами. Я не могу придумать ничего плохого, чтобы сказать об этом. Любой другой пинпоинтер мне сейчас просто надоел. 

Not long ago, you could not know exactly how much charge your battery had, and you lived in peace, but now look at the charge percentage ?

I know the test results that were before the start of sales of the SPHINX 03. If you dig 5-6 hours a day, every day (there are such pirates among the testers), with an average and high intensity of use of the pinpointer, then before the low battery indication starts (this is about 20 -25% charge, then you can still use it for a long time, but you will never go out to search with an empty battery) 21 days have passed.

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5 hours ago, Tony said:

Я видел польский сайт, где можно купить Sphinx 02  .

Я не уверен в различиях между двумя моделями.

02/03 the same sensitivity, ip68 and Magnetiс are both on board, but in 02 there is no application and separation of metals

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7 hours ago, phrunt said:

Я, честно говоря, не уверен, за пределами России я не могу найти их дилера, а санкции означают, что российские посылки не могут быть отправлены в наши страны.  @pavelka72 я полагаю, что он связан с ними, если не его создатель, поэтому он вполне может посоветовать, как его купить, имейте в виду, что вы покупаете его без гарантии, даже если у него есть 2 года, поскольку это, вероятно, будет стоить вам столько же, чтобы отправить его обратно, сколько стоит, чтобы получить его.  

Хороший пинпоинтер, это точно, но то, что вы бы купили, только если не возражаете против дополнительных расходов и трудностей, связанных с его приобретением.

Я думаю, что им нужно найти дилера в другом месте, чтобы продавать их, и им нужно создать приложение на английском языке. До тех пор, вероятно, не стоит усилий и затрат, связанных с его получением, если вы не любитель пин-поинтеров ?

I can answer some technical questions.

I'm interested to hear the opinion of a treasure hunter.

That's all I can be of help

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I was talk about 03 model but we have problems with availability by war. Sanctions. Any ideas? I have only 02 on stock but 03 is still not available.

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