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My First Impression Of The Minelab Gold Monster 1000

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Most likely they did Steve.  You have just that kind of forum when it comes to the who's who and whats what on new and old metal detectors.  I reckon it does not hurt your a well known tester either ;)

Mate down in Oz is going to give the Monster a go so I'll see it in action this year I believe. He wants to see how it mates up with his SDC.  Me, I'll stick with my Zed.  Gave up VLF for prospecting a long time ago however I do appreciate its use's for those who do use them.

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I have to admit that what with all my playing with VLF detectors as of late it really is just playing. Literally playing with detectors. But when the time finally comes to get down and dirty serious gold prospecting I will be running my GPZ 7000 day in and day out. It has been fun finding some tiny bits with the GM1000, and surely a joy to swing 3.5 lbs instead of twice that. Fun! But every moment swinging that 6" x 10" coil I am cognizant of just how little soil volume is being processed per swing as compared to my Zed 13" x 14" coil with the power behind it. Apples to oranges for sure, but reality nonetheless.

The GM1000 would shine in some of my old haunts in Alaska, where a half gram nugget is a monster and the rain never stops. I know one spot......

Closeup of thin 0.3 grain gold flake center bottom, found with GM1000. Click for larger version.

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Got you Steve, now sort of going Back to the Future and looking forward to the Monster. A bit of play and relief for the right arm, just the tonic this old kid needs. Now that spot you have up in Alaska................. 

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Every time I think I might add something to this discussion Steve posts up information in a succinct and extremely informative way. Brilliant thread Steve and very detailed information about the new Monster Beasty, especially considering you have had so little opportunity to spend any decent amount of time with it during your winter months.

There is a method of operation (more of an understanding and workflow really), which I found amazing here in Australia that requires observation and input from the operator, it helps make the Monster surprisingly useful in variable ground (shallow gold only, its not an SDC beater). I'm working on a TT blog as we speak so will hold off till I've trimmed it up and made it presentable.

And yeah as is always the case with a new release announcement we have yet again a hold up on supply, guess who spent the whole day yesterday trying to explain this to customers ringing in for their Monsters? I have mine on display in the shop for readers in our area who want to take a look at one in the flesh.


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Heh JP, send to me that one you`ve got on display, that way you`ll be able to tell your customers you haven`t got one yourself. Plus an added benefit I`ll give it some exercise, my right arm needs it desperately have a bad case of 19Zitis........

Judging by what I`m hearing here in OZ, ML wont be able to keep up supply for yonks. Good stuff.

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Well if JP is having trouble getting them what is it like here in the USA on the same problem.

I guess only time will tell but hope we know more than we do now.

Nothing like being keep in the dark with only BS to eat.


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Guest Jennifer
On 5/7/2017 at 8:20 PM, Norvic said:

Love the review, but what the heck do I want a VLF gold machine for, got over em years ago but then again............can tell the treasurer Steve talked me into one..........yeah that`s the go................

Price point

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Yeh price point is on the money (no pun) 2 coils top value, but also MLs long term reputation. The Monster with silent threshold (try Bogenes on the Z or the Deus) and that bit about the processor helping cover wider frequency recovery but on a single frequency MD, MLs got me intrigued, they just don`t bring out products that don`t come up with the goods.......... cos ML being an OZ Co I`m a wee bit biased.

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55 minutes ago, Norvic said:

Yeh price point is on the money (no pun) 2 coils top value, but also MLs long term reputation. The Monster with silent threshold (try Bogenes on the Z or the Deus) and that bit about the processor helping cover wider frequency recovery but on a single frequency MD, MLs got me intrigued, they just don`t bring out products that don`t come up with the goods.......... cos ML being an OZ Co I`m a wee bit biased.

That is a pretty big claim to make...I haven't heard of any people saying the 7000 does not live up to advertised claims.  I'm thinking and hoping the monster will be the same.  So far the reviews have me excited about it, but you tend to focus on the good things being said when that's what you want to hear.

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25 minutes ago, Shasta gold hunter said:

I haven't heard of any people saying the 7000 does not live up to advertised claims

Really? There actually is an entire cottage industry revolving around that very concept! I do think maybe you are misunderstanding Novic however (double negatives can do that)... he has a GM1000 on order.

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