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Garrett ATX Vs Minelab Excalibur 2 Vs Minelab CTX 3030

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Hi Guys

New to the forum and metal detecting.  Trying to make a decision between the 3 detectors mentioned above.  I'm going to be doing most of my detecting on the Northwest beaches.  I will also be doing some park hunting and then once a year prospecting in Arizona.  I may try a little prospecting in the Northwest too if I find extra time.

Initially thought the Excalibur was the way to go, but then after reading posts on several forums I'm starting to have doubts about its durability. I'm leaning towards the ATX at this point,  but would like to get some final input on these 3 machines before I make a final decision.  Any thoughts and input would be greatly appreciated.

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This is your first detector? Starting out with the more $$detectors. How much of what you think youll do is in parks? If alot,I wouldnt go ATX. Heres a thought...etrac for parks n beach, and a f-19 for that arizona trip...that would cost same roughly as atx or ctx.

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If you don't use it for a weed-wacker, hammer or prybar it is very durable. I have had mine for over a year with no problems. I use mine mostly in parks and on ocean beaches with some use in the gold fields. I have the 17 inch and the stock coil...

It is a pricey toy...but it is only money.


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"I'm going to be doing most of my detecting on the Northwest beaches.  I will also be doing some park hunting and then once a year prospecting in Arizona.  I may try a little prospecting in the Northwest too if I find extra time."

Your list and your uses do not quite match up.

Garrett ATX - beach and prospecting (not good at all for parks)

Minelab CTX 3030 - parks and beach (not so good for prospecting)

Minelab Excalibur - beach and parks (not good at all for prospecting)

The ATX should be considered a dig it all detector. Not strictly true but close enough and therefore not a good choice for parks. However, it is the only real prospecting detector you listed.

The CTX I put parks first and beaches second for a reason. It is waterproof to ten feet but track record for submersion in salt water has been poor. For real surf detecting the Excalibur is a safer choice. For wading or occasional submersion the CTX should be fine. Just wandering the beach? Not an issue. Not a great prospecting machine but it would get by if all you are doing is a rare trip or two.

The Excalibur I put beach first and park second for a reason. The Excalibur is a true dive detector designed specifically for water hunting. You can use it for parks but it is very front heavy and lacks a display. No big deal per se and plenty fine above water, but it is a secondary use for sure. The Excalibur is tuned specifically for salt water and is a bit weak on gold compared to the CTX, which has separate dry land and salt water modes.

So sticking just to what you have put out as three options I would rate them in order as:

1. CTX 3030
2. Excalibur
3. ATX

However, if you were intending on getting serious about being in the water mask and snorkel a lot than the Excalibur goes to top of the list. I like my CTX but if I was going to be in the water day in and day out I do not trust it. I would use my ATX in water since I own both. I actually use the ATX for almost all my beach work and also for prospecting. The CTX is more my park detector.

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