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X.terra Finds 05-08-18 (1 Big Q!55 Up)

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After work yesterday i went to the beach at 9pm for a start at 9.30pm . There is a big thing going on at this weekend and the beaches are very crowded . I started low down the beach but found little so started to search between the crowds and found coins , if the beach was less busy at that time i would have found much more . Later in the search i found a £10 note and then a £20 note . I also found a few mobile phones but left them alone , cant be bothered with them . 

As it says in the title it was a big q!55 up and there was tons of rubbish all over the place . I always take a rucksack with me and i found during the search 16 440 and 500 ml tins of Stella and other Beers , i also had 3 liters of drink in the ruck for me too so i was getting weighed down by the time i found all that and there was lots more beer i could have picked up but had to leave .

At the end of the search which i had to cut short because of the Beer i had found 2 junk rings , the 2 notes and £62.92p in coinage , no picture of the Beers , 3 have gone now . I would have stayed on the beach till the first Bus at around 8am but i was knackered .

I dont know if i can get back out this week . Mum is going into Hospital in London Guy's Hospital for her Lung Cancer Operation on Wednesday , when she comes home all being well she will need to be looked after and i am taking unpaid leave from work to do that for a week or 2 .

Maybe Thursday or Friday is possible but ?

On Tuesday i will be selling my first Equinox 800 to someone i know from a previous club membership . He needs a new machine and i feel i only need 1 Nox anyway , i will buy new coils laters for it. The next search will be with the ET or the Terra again . I will use the newer Nox later .


61) £92.92p FOUND 05-08-18 XT.JPG

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