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GPZ 7000 Discrimination

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I don't get paid to dig a nail. I do get paid to dig a nugget though.


It's almost always more fruitful for me to pare down the targets I dig, cherry pick and area and keep it in my back pocket, and move on to the next spot. I'm always prospecting and exploring, but when the patches peter out and the new prospects dry up temporarily its easy to go back to those areas I left targets and at least pull out a nugget or two so the day isn't a total waste.


Of course there are exceptions to this. Small patches, pushes, etc. There are places you always want to dig them all but not for general prospecting and exploration, which is probably 75% or more of the time spent, patch cleaning is maybe 25% or even less depending on the area.


I realize most people on the forums are just doing it have some fun and recreation. But even a lot of recreational guys would agree that a discriminating PI would be one of the holy grails of detecting, and that isn't so we can keep digging every target. Even recreationally there are reasons not to dig them all.


I think the best advice I could give someone starting out is to dig them all. It's the only way to learn your machine inside and out. But at some point I think it really pays off to listen to your machine and become in tune with it so you can figure out eventually what not to dig.


Which is also why I think its a good subject to discuss. There do appear to be character quirks in the GPZ that may or may not be used to our advantage.

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